The News of the World and Private Eye magazine revealed in 1981 that Roberts had been injured, requiring hospital treatment, in a sadomasochistic gay sex club in Berlin during a Parliamentary visit at Easter 1980.
Published in 2006 by Piers Anthony's Random House POD imprint, Xlibris, Face of the Screaming Werewolf by Ken Gage recycled imagery and dialogue from the film to tell a strange story involving Satan's war in heaven, robots, sadomasochistic vampires, the nature of elitism, and aliens (mostly from the planet Venus).
He also wrote a series of Nazi sadomasochistic erotic novels featuring Commander Amanda Nightingale, an English spy.
Toying with the puzzle box, Kirsty solves and inadvertently summons the sadomasochistic demons known as the Cenobites and their leader, Pinhead (Doug Bradley).
He then reveals to her that he has lost his internship at the bank because of drugs and that he knows of her schemes, including working as a sadomasochistic prostitute, her false employment at Denny's, and her dark family history including the death of Ivy (alluding to the original film).
As Michael is on his way out, he runs into Violet, who is dressed in a sadomasochistic costume, which causes him to question her employment at Denny's.
Roissy is the location where the action of the two explicit sadomasochistic novels Story of O (Histoire d'O), and its sequel Retour à Roissy by Pauline Réage take place.
Moe suggests winning her back by exciting her with sex, specifically sadomasochistic sex, as used in Fifty Shades of Grey.