
unusual facts about safehouse


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

On 26 October 2005, a US warplane struck a suspected insurgent safehouse near the Syrian border in an attempt to kill al-Baghdadi.

Faisalabad Three

Jabran Said bin al Qahtani, Sufyian Barhoumi and Ghassan Abdullah al Sharbi were captured in a safehouse in Faisalabad, Pakistan, together with approximately a dozen other suspects, including a senior member of the Al Qaeda leadership, Abu Zubaydah.

Hood event

On July 4, 2003, soldiers from the United States Army's 173d Airborne Brigade raided a safehouse in the Kurdish-held Iraqi city of Sulaymaniyah.

Larry J. Kolb

Prior to his career as an author, Kolb, by his own account, worked as a close advisor to Muhammad Ali and Adnan Khashoggi and as a spy with CIA co-founder Miles Copeland, Jr., with whom he was involved in intrigues in Pakistan, Iran, the Philippines, Nicaragua, and elsewhere, until Kolb was forced to retire to a safehouse in Florida to avoid extradition to India.

Rebecca Litchfield

Some of her other clients have include Safehouse, Charbon London, Beefeater Gin, Samantha Cole London and Zekaryas Solomon.

Stringer Bell

Stringer plans to regain control of the Barksdale organization by sending Avon back to prison, betraying the location of his safehouse to Baltimore Police major Howard "Bunny" Colvin.

Tarquin Hall

Hall's exclusive reports include a profile on Emma McCune, an English woman who married Southern Sudanese guerrilla commander Riek Machar; the draining of Iraq's marshes by Saddam Hussein, and a one-on-one with former Kurdish PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan in a Syrian safehouse.

Will Tippin

Since he is now in danger because of his knowledge of SD-6, he is brought into a safehouse of the CIA in Los Angeles, only to be kidnapped out of that safehouse to Taipei by Julian Sark.

see also