
2 unusual facts about saint Germanus


The church, which stands close to Faulkbourne Hall, the former residence of the Bullock family, is dedicated to Saint Germanus and was restored in 1886 by the Rev. Frederick Spurrell, with the assistance of the architect Sir Arthur Blomfield.

Foel Fenlli

He was admonished for opposing Saint Germanus, and he and his castle were "consumed by fire from heaven", so the legend goes.

Codex Sangermanensis

Codex Sangermanensis designated by Dabs1 or 0319 (in the numbering Gregory-Aland), α 1027 (Soden), is a tenth-century diglot manuscript, formerly in the library of St. Germain des Prés, Paris, hence its name Sangermanensis, "of Saint Germanus".

Randoald of Grandval

Saint Randoald (Rancald, Randaut) (†21 February 675) was prior of the Benedictine monastery of Grandval in the Moutier valley, under saint Germanus.

see also