Australian Greens | Alliance '90/The Greens | Greens | Tasmanian Greens | The Greens | Greens Western Australia | Federation of the Greens | The Greens – The Green Alternative | The Big Salad | Salad Ali Jelle | Initiative for Catalonia Greens | Ecologist Greens | Young Greens of Sweden | Union of Greens and Farmers | The Greens (Luxembourg) | Russian Ecological Party "The Greens" | Greens New South Wales | greens | Alberta Greens | Abdiqasim Salad Hassan | Tuna salad | the Greens – The Green Alternative | The Greens (Israel) | The Greens (France) | the Greens | Souper Salad | Salad Fingers | Greens Worldwide Incorporated | greens (vegetable) | Greens (France) |
The University of Maryland Cooperative Extension recommends media depth of four to six inches for things like leaf greens, Asian greens, mustards, garlic, radish, basil, cilantro, thyme, mint, and marjoram.
Kapsalon is a Dutch food item consisting of fries, topped with döner or shawarma meat, grilled with a layer of Gouda cheese until melted and then subsequently covered with a layer of dressed salad greens.