Daniel Defoe, The True-born Englishman: A satyr, published anonymously this year, but dated "1700"; inspired by John Tutchin's The Foreigners (1700), and answered by Tuchin (anonymously) in his The Apostates, this year; Defoe's poem also resulted in many other responses, adaptations and attacks
These creatures and many others were all described and named by Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis HistoriƦ from 77 AD: A monopod and a satyr (top); a blemmyae and a panotti (above).
Back in the 5th century BC, the Greeks heralded the young, hairless, athletic man as beautiful while hairy bodies were considered hideous and associated with satyrs, barbarians and the cult of Dionysus.
Melanitis, a genus of tropical and subtropical Satyr butterflies
He employed the sculptor John Michael Rysbrack to model the Bacchanalian scenes on the bowl, the crouching panthers beneath and the satyr handles.
francisci (see main article), commonly called Saint Francis' satyr, is found in a single metapopulation in a 10x10 km area of Fort Bragg in North Carolina.
In this case the painter chose to mainly focus on departure scenes, and scenes of the God Dionysus with maenads and satyrs.
The watershed includes rare Great Lakes marshes and floodplain forests, which serve as habitats for migratory birds such as the Prothonotary Warbler (commonly known as the Golden Swamp Warbler), as well as the endangered Mitchell Satyr butterfly.
The Art Institute of Chicago has an example of a beautiful, mature satyress accompanied by putti and a male satyr in a 16th-century study by Paolo Farinati of Italy.
Silenoz explained in an interview that his stage-name is derived from an alternative Latinised spelling of the Greek "Silenus," the name of a satyr-like being in Greek mythology who was a tutor to the wine god Dionysus, and was said to possess special knowledge and the power of prophecy while intoxicated.
Among these are 'Truth brought to Light, or Murder will out;' 'Justice in Masquerade, or Scroggs upon Scroggs;' another beginning ' Since Justice Scroggs Pepys and Dean did bail;' 'The Pope's Advice and Benediction to his Judge and Jury in Eutopia;' 'The Wolf Justice ' (against Scroggs); 'A Caution,' and 'A Satyr' against James, Duke of York, the Duchess of Portsmouth, and William Scroggs, whom he hated for acquitting George Wakeman.
Following The Phoenix and the Mirror (1969) and Vergil in Averno (1987), The Scarlet Fig follows Vergil's adventures in an alternate ancient Mediterranean world where harpies, basilisks, and satyrs co-exist with Rome, Carthage, and the Punic Wars.