
unusual facts about secrecy


Secret societies use secrecy as a way to attract members by creating a sense of importance.

1st Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party

The 1st Congress of the RSDLP (Russian: Российская социал-демократическая рабочая партия, РСДРП) was held between March 13–March 15 (March 1–March 3, O.S.) 1898 in Minsk, Russian Empire (now Belarus) in secrecy.

204 Schutzmannschaft Battalion

The Pustkow Concentration Camps was created to support the production and the tests of the German V-1 and V-2 missiles – so due the secrecy there no clear information about specific unit activities.


Since the monasteries were independent from the Sultan, it is alleged that within the Krifo Scholio here the Greek language was kept alive; according to popular legend, reading and writing were taught in secrecy, generation after generation as the Ottomans forbade the general population from learning how to read and write their own language.

Bank secrecy

Swiss bank secrecy was dealt a severe setback by the revelations made by ex-UBS banker Bradley Charles Birkenfeld, who blew the whistle on UBS providing Americans with vehicles to hide up US$20 billion in assets to avoid taxes.

Bank Secrecy Act

In 2011 the Observer reported that Wachovia, at one time a major US bank, was implicated in laundering money for Mexican drug lords, through its lax laundering controls, a violation of the Bank Secrecy Act.

Basis Nord

The base at Zapadnaya Litsa, called "Basis Nord", had advantages with regard to secrecy.

C. Lorenz AG

Placed on the commercial market as the Enigma machine, it was adopted by the German Navy and Army in the 1920s The Enigma, however had deficiencies, and the German Army High Command asked Lorenz to develop a new cipher machine that would allow communication by radio in extreme secrecy.

Center for Effective Government

OMB Watch was formed by Gary Bass in 1983 to lift the veil of secrecy shrouding the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Charles Godefroy

On 7 August 1919, three weeks after the victory parade, under cover of secrecy and dressed in his warrant officer uniform, Charles Godefroy took off at 7.20 a.m. from the airfield of Villacoublay in a biplaneNieuport 11 Bébé” (Bébé = baby - because of its low wing span of 24.67 ft / 24’8’’ or 7.52 m).

Clarence Max Fowler

(The research of the Soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov at Sarov was more advanced, but for a long time the whole field of megagauss research was covered by military secrecy).

Edward Mulcahy

Two days prior to the program's approval Assistant Secretary Davis told Henry Kissinger, the Secretary of State, that he believed maintaining the secrecy of IA Feature would be impossible.

Elene Church

Also, the Papal Conclave is held in the strictest secrecy, with the cardinals locked in the Sistine Chapel until a decision has been reached, whereas the election of the Archprelate takes place in view of other Church officials (Primate Annias, the Church Knights) and the monarchs of the various Eosian nations.


Eöl resented the pride and presumptive authority of the Noldor and, given to secrecy much like Turgon, refused permission for Aredhel and Maeglin to leave Nan Elmoth to seek out their Noldorin kin, the sons of Fëanor.

Federal political financing in Canada

In 2009, an annual report by Global Integrity, an independent non-profit organization that tracks corruption trends around the world, said that Canada posted a slight "downward tick" based on secrecy surrounding political financing and gaps in government accountability.

Fenton John Anthony Hort

Hort was a member of the Cambridge Apostles and is credited with writing the oath of secrecy taken by new members, in or around 1851.

Grand juries in the United States

The case for such secrecy was unanimously upheld by the Burger Court in Douglas Oil Co. of Cal. v. Petrol Stops Northwest, 441 US 211 (1979).

History by Contract

After what O'Dwyer described as secrecy and denials about the existence of a Smithsonian-Wright Agreement, O'Dwyer obtained a signed copy of the Smithsonian-Wright "Agreement" in 1976, with the help of then-Senator Lowell Weicker.

In Eminenti Apostolatus

As a result, all Catholic participation in Masonry was prohibited, and bishops were to proceed against it "as well as inquisitors for heresy...calling upon the aid of the secular arm," as it was under suspicion of heresy, partly because of its already notorious secrecy.


In the novel, InGen founder John Hammond is killed in the accident and InGen files for Chapter 11 on October 5, 1989, the island is destroyed by the (fictional) Costa Rican Air force, the survivors are sworn to secrecy and by the time of The Lost World, InGen is defunct with its equipment being sold off.

John Githongo

Speculation was also rife that Githongo's continued exile was directly related to the spying allegations and the fact that he broke various secrecy laws under the Official Secrets Act, that covered government officials.

Jonathan Scarfe

In 1999, Scarfe portrayed Sheldon Kennedy in, "The Sheldon Kennedy Story", which follows the true story of the former Calgary Flame who, after years of self blame and secrecy, found the courage to speak out against his former coach/mentor Graham James and the sexual abuse he had to endure.

Knight engine

Daimler contracted Dr. Frederick Lanchester as their consultant for the purpose and a major re-design and refinement of Knight's design took place in great secrecy.

Lamar Waldron

This 2008 book (2009 trade paperback even more extensive), Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination, is currently being made into a movie by Warner Brothers, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, slated for release late in 2013, to mark the 50th anniversary of JFK's death.

Lim Chu Kang

There are also side-roads, like Jalan Sungei Poyan, Lim Chu Kang Road Track 11/13 and Jalan Bahtera, and including roads that are not listed on Street Directory but on Google Earth satellite imagery (due to MINDEF secrecy, such as the old Kampong Berih Road).

Lokata Company

The Ministry of Defence tried to requisition his patent, but he defied the secrecy order and went public and a public row arose about possible loss of employment making Lokata Watchmans in Falmouth, Cornwall where he lived.

Luke Harding

WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy and Daniel Domscheit-Berg's WikiLeaks: My Time with Julian Assange and the World’s Most Dangerous Website was adapted into a screenplay by Josh Singer, and became the film, The Fifth Estate.

Mattachine Society

Because of concerns for secrecy and the founders’ leftist ideology, they adopted the cell organization being used by the Communist Party of the United States.

Michael J. Harrington

On July 8, 1975 Rep. Harrington called on House Speaker Carl Albert to convene the Democratic party committee to examine a secrecy system which he said has covered up "grotesque violations of the law" abroad by the CIA.

No. 1 Parachute Training School RAF

To maintain secrecy, these men and women were accommodated in separate secure premises in Bowdon and Styal and were trained in select groups.


Security through obscurity, a controversial principle in security engineering which attempts to use secrecy to provide security.

Operation Whirlwind

The secrecy was reflected in the apparent last-minute rerouting of the 102nd Infantry Brigade to the offensive, although the Zagreb Operational Zone deployed it to Sunja, to the east of Sisak.

Party Going

Frank Kermode maintained in his essay "The Genesis of Secrecy" that behind the realistic plot of this novel there is a complex web of mythical images, the most important being the figure of the classical Greek god Hermes, which is strongly tied to one of the characters.

Peter Galison

The second, and most recent, Secrecy, which Galison directed with Harvard filmmaker Robb Moss, is about the costs and benefits of government secrecy, and premiered at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival.

Project On Government Oversight

In 2011, POGO worked with Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) to amend a defense budget bill that would have applied more secrecy to FOIA requests at the Department of Defense.

Rupert Thomson

His new novel, Secrecy, which was published in March 2013, is based on the life and work of the eccentric Sicilian wax artist, Gaetano Giulio Zumbo.

Serial number

During the Second World War RAF aircraft that were secret or carrying secret equipment had "/G" (for "Guard") appended to the serial, denoting that the aircraft was to have an armed guard at all times while on the ground, e.g., LZ548/G—the prototype de Havilland Vampire jet fighter, or ML926/G—a de Havilland Mosquito XVI experimentally fitted with H2S radar.

Such, Such Were the Joys

St Cyprian's was, according to him, a "world of force and fraud and secrecy," in which the young Orwell, a shy, sickly and unattractive boy surrounded by pupils from families much richer than his own, was "like a goldfish" thrown "into a tank full of pike." The piece fiercely attacks the cruelty and snobbery of both his fellow pupils and of his teachers (particularly the headmaster, Mr. Vaughan Wilkes, nicknamed "Sambo," and his wife Cicely, nicknamed "Flip").

Sworn to Secrecy

The creators of Sworn To Secrecy worked with the top spies of the era: former Directors of the CIA James Woolsey, Richard Helms and Dr. James Schlesinger; former Chairmen of the KGB Generals Vladimir Semichastny and Alexander Shelepin (Russia); as well as former directors of the MOSSAD Meir Amit and Isser Harel.

Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives

The book also helped members of the heterosexual community to relate to the normalcy of homosexual lives, and to also understand gay persons' struggles, pain, marginalization, ostracism, professional concerns, and frustrating need for secrecy when in a climate of homophobia and illegality.

see also