
unusual facts about sedimentary rocks

Treffgarne Bridge Quarry

This site is designated due to its geological qualities: Cambrian sedimentary rocks exposed in a disused quarry and road cutting.

see also

Aspers, Pennsylvania

The area surrounding the town is underlain by the Triassic sedimentary rocks of the Gettysburg Formation.

Gifford Pinchot State Park

Approximately 180 million years ago, the diabase intruded into older Triassic sedimentary rocks of the Gettysburg Formation, consisting of red sandstone and shale.

Howell Mountains

Although bedrock in most parts of the Howell Mountains is a geologic formation of volcanic origin known as the Sonoma Volcanics, older sedimentary rocks of the Cretaceous age Great Valley Sequence are found in the Benecia area at the southern end of the range, and in the Lake Hennessey area to the east of St. Helena.

Magnesian Escarpment

The rocks of the Magnesian layer overlay rocks of the Cambrian Period, the oldest sedimentary rocks that contain fossils.


Peronidella is an extinct genus of Calcareous sponges found in marine sedimentary rocks dated between the Devonian and the Cretaceous periods.

Sierran Arc

In addition, thick sequences (accumulations) of Mesozoic-age sedimentary rocks, mostly marine shales and sandstone of Jurassic and Cretaceous age, are locally preserved along the western side of the Peninsular Ranges and throughout the western Transverse Ranges in parts of the Santa Monica Mountains and mountainous Los Padres National Forest region north of Santa Barbara, California.

Treffgarne Bridge Quarry

The sedimentary rocks have yielded a variety of fossils that indicate that the rocks were formed around 490 million years ago and therefore provide a means of correlation with other key sites such as those in North Wales and Shropshire.

Wilpena Pound

The area has given its name to the Wilpena Group of sedimentary rocks making up the younger sediments of the geosyncline, and names of further subdivisions also originate from the area: particularly the Pound Subgroup, made up of Rawnsley Quartzite and Bonney Sandstone.