
unusual facts about sedition

1794 Treason Trials

In Scotland, three leaders of the convention were tried for sedition and sentenced to fourteen years of service in Botany Bay.

2 Bal

An album was produced and directed by Tefa & Masta, now Kilomaitre Productions and White & Spirit who produced the soundtrack for the film Ma 6-T va crack-er, on which they appeared performing La sédition together with Mystik.

Article 23

Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23, which requires Hong Kong to pass security legislation concerning sedition against the Chinese government


After the Batavi regiments were withdrawn from Britain to Italy in 66, Civilis and his brother (also a prefect) were arrested by the governor of Germania Inferior on a fabricated accusation of sedition.

Azimi Daim

In 2006, together with Hashim Suboh and Hasnoor Hussein, he was officially reprimanded by UMNO for stating that "when tension rises, the blood of Malay warriors will run in our veins", which the opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP) had alleged was seditious.

Durant, Nebraska

At the Fort Larned jailhouse, Cullen is told he is guilty of armed robbery and sedition, but his death sentence will be commuted to life imprisonment if he reveals his cohorts' names.

Fily Dabo Sissoko

Following riots in 1962 by some business interests opposing the creation of the Malian franc (independent of the CFA Franc used by other former colonies), Dabo Sissoko was arrested and charged with sedition.

Goldsmith Book Prize

:Trade: Geoffrey R. Stone, Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the War on Terrorism

India House

Phelps admired Swami Vivekananda, and the Vedanta Society (established by the Swami) in New York was at the time under Swami Abhedananda, who was considered "seditionist" by the British.

Jenny Patrick

The authorities began to investigate this group, and Aldred, Patrick, Douglas McLeish and Andrew Fleming were eventually arrested and charged with sedition within the first year of its inception.

Kantipur Publications

Three directors of Kantipur were arrested and charged with "sedition" after publishing comments by a Maoist leader about the death of King Birendra.

Karri Sriram

He has been a columnist for The Hindu and wrote a fortnightly column, Sedition and Perdition, for The New Indian Express.

Northern Rhodesia

Firstly, independent African churches such as the Ethiopian Church in Barotseland, Kitawala or the Watchtower movement and others rejected European missionary control and promoted Millennialism doctrines that the authorities considered seditious.

Pennsylvania v. Nelson

The Smith Act was written after the Pennsylvania Sedition Act, but both were created during the Cold War, during the age of Joseph McCarthy and his House Unamerican Activities Committee; this was the time of the “Red Scare,” where McCarthy investigated everyone, because anyone could be a communist.

Rose Chibambo

In 1956, Rose Chibambo organized a group of women to protest when the NAC president James Frederick Sangala and secretary T.D.T. Banda were arrested for sedition.

Sedition Act

Alien and Sedition Acts, including the Sedition Act of 1798, laws passed by the United States Congress

Smith Act

It drew some of its language from statutes recently passed at the state level and combined anti-alien and anti-sedition sections with language crafted specifically to help the government in its attempts to deport Harry Bridges.

Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman

In O'Connell v the Queen, in 1844, he led the majority in quashing the conviction for sedition of Daniel O'Connell.

Tridib Chaudhuri

He passed his BA examination in 1933 and subsequently MA in economics from the University of Calcutta as an external candidate from jail, when he was imprisoned for sedition against the colonial rule.

United States v. Franklin, Rosen, and Weissman

It is one of the few Espionage Act cases of its kind, targeted not at traditional espionage or sedition, but at the common practice of information leaking in Washington DC.

William Brabazon

In the spring of 1548 he assisted the lord deputy in subduing a sedition raised in Kildare by the sons of Viscount Baltinglass.

William E. Stevenson

He was accused of sedition against the state for circulating a book, "The Impending Crisis of the South" by Hinton Rowan Helper, that was critical of slavery.

William Willcocks

In January 1921 he was put on trial before the Supreme Consular Court of Egypt on a charge of sedition and criminal libel, on account of statements made by him impugning the trustworthiness of the data concerning the Nile irrigation published by Murdoch Macdonald, adviser of the Egyptian Ministry of Public Works.

see also