
unusual facts about self-reflexive

Banach space

If one of the two spaces X or Y is complete (or reflexive, separable, etc.) then so is the other space.

Bernadette Roberts

The ego and self are both self-reflexive and dualistic modes of psychological functioning based on the subtle process of mental discriminating judgment, a process that is inherently built into the structure of the psyche.

Grothendieck space

Grothendieck spaces which are not reflexive include the space C(K) of all continuous functions on a Stonean compact space K, and the space L(μ) for a positive measure μ (a Stonean compact space is a Hausdorff compact space in which the closure of every open set is open).


A COM component's interfaces are required to exhibit the reflexive, symmetric, and transitive properties.

My Iron Lung

The song's caustic, self-reflexive lyrics used the iron lung as a metaphor for the way "Creep" had both sustained the band's life and constrained them ("this is our new song / just like the last one / a total waste of time / my iron lung").

see also