
unusual facts about sepulchral


1877 in archaeology

Canon William Greenwell - British Barrows: a record of the examination of sepulchral mounds in various parts of England; together with description of figures of skulls, general remarks on prehistoric crania, and an appendix by George Rolleston.

Alfonso Lombardi

According to Vasari, Lombardi was commissioned and prepared models for Pope Clement VII’s sepulchral monument, but this project was never completed due to the death of Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici, who had promised the work to Lombardi.

History of Trumbull, Connecticut

There it stood for decades, without a neighboring habitation within a circuit of several miles; while the sepulchral quietude of its surroundings was rarely broken, even by the echo of a sound adequate to dispel the day dreams, or waken the nocturnal slumbers of its peaceful inhabitants, save that of the casual lowing of kine, the appealing cadence of the whop-poor-will at nightfall, or the grewsome howling of wolves....

Jozef Murgaš

In Tajov, there is Murgaš's house where he was born, a memorial room, and a symbolic grave with a sepulchral monument of Murgaš at the local cemetery.

Nicolas Cotoner

The sepulchral monument to Grand Master Nicolas Cotoner, located prominently to the right side of the main altar in the chapel of the langue of Aragon in St John's Co-Cathedral, was produced by Domenico Guidi and is one of the most prominent and beautiful monuments in the Cathedral.

Via Laurentina

On this latter road, beyond Decimo, two milestones, one of Tiberius, the other of Maxentius, each bearing the number II, have been found; and farther on, at Capocotta, traces of ancient buildings, and an important sepulchral inscription of a Jewish ruler of a synagogue have come to light.

see also