
unusual facts about sequence alignment


Under the covarion model, the rates of evolution on different branches of a hypothesized phylogenetic tree vary in an autocorrelated way, and the rates of evolution at different codon sites in an aligned set of DNA or RNA sequences vary in a separate but autocorrelated manner.

J. Craig Venter Institute

Its bioinformatics group developed many of the pioneering software algorithms that were used to analyze these genomes, including the automatic gene finder GLIMMER and the sequence alignment program MUMmer.

Transposable element

Sequence self-comparison programs use databases such as AB-BLAST to conduct an initial sequence alignment.

see also


The FASTA file format used as input for this software is now largely used by other sequence database search tools (such as BLAST) and sequence alignment programs (Clustal, T-Coffee, etc.).


Sequerome is a web-based Sequence profiling tool for integrating the results of a BLAST sequence-alignment report with external research tools and servers that perform advanced sequence manipulations, and allowing the user to record the steps of such an analysis.

Structural alignment

The optimal "threading" of a protein sequence onto a known structure and the production of an optimal multiple sequence alignment have been shown to be NP-complete.

Warren Gish

At Washington University in St. Louis, Gish developed the first practical BLAST suite of programs to combine rapid gapped sequence alignment