
unusual facts about shaykh

Catherine Cobham

She has translated numerous literary works from Arabic to English, including several by the Lebanese author Hanan al-Shaykh.

Abdullah Fa'izi ad-Daghestani

In 1943 he moved to a house on Jabal Qasioun mountain, a house that was bought by his first Syrian murid and later khalifah, Shaykh Husayn Ifrini.

Abu Yazid

When the Fatimid al-Mahdi died in 944, Abū Yazīd launched a rebellion in the Aures mountains and declared himself Shaykh al-Mu'minīn "Elder of the Believers", seeking aid from the Umayyads of Andalus.

Ahmad At Tijânî Ibn Bâba Al 'Alawî

Shaykh Ahmad At Tijânî Ibn Bâba Al 'Alawî is a Maliki jurist of the city of Chinguit in Mauritania, a theologian Ash'ari and Tijani imam.

Colonial Mauritania

During this period, there were three marabouts of great influence in Mauritania: Shaykh Sidiya Baba, whose authority was strongest in Trarza, Brakna, and Tagant; Shaykh Saad Bu, whose importance extended to Tagant and Senegal; and Shaykh Ma al Aynin, who exerted leadership in Adrar and the north, as well as in Spanish Sahara and southern Morocco.

Diya al-Din al-Maqdisi

His parents had emigrated from Nablus in the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem shortly before his birth, along with hundreds of other Hanbali inhabitants of the area, in response to perceived threats against their shaykhs from the crusader lord of Nablus, Baldwin of Ibelin.

Ebrahim Desai

After completing his study in Darse Nizami, Desai, pursued a takhassus (specialization) course in Ifta under Shaykh Ahmad Khanpuri of Dabhel for two years.

Ful medames

In the Middle Ages, the making of fūl was monopolized by the people living around the Princess Baths, a public bath in a tiny compound near today's public fountain of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha, a block north of the two elegant minarets of the Mosque of Sultan Mu’ayyad Shaykh above the eleventh-century Bab Zuwaylah gate.

Gustave-Henri Jossot

Around ten years later, he followed the well-known Algerian Sufi shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi.

History of Qatar

These groups formed the National Unity Front in response to a fatal shooting on April 19, 1963, by one of Shaykh Ahmad ibn Ali's nephews.

Ibrahim Niass

Since then, Shaykh Hassan's younger brother Shaykh Tijānī Cisse has been given the position of Medina Baay's Imam.


Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada, (born 1946), shaykh in the Chishti Nizami Sufi Order from Jhang, Pakistan

Jamia Nizamia

Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi, current Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia and Founder-Director of Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Jamia Qurania Arabia Lalbagh

Shaykh Muhammadullah Hafezzi Huzur was the first person who started the class of memorizing the Quran (Hifzul Quran) amid a lot of difficulties and problems.


Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, Classical Islam and the Naqshbandi Sufi Tradition, Islamic Supreme Council of America (June 2004), ISBN 1-930409-23-0.

Madani Inamaat

Madni Inamaat or Madani Inamaat is a questionnaire composed by Shaykh Sheikh Maulana Ilyas Attar Qadri, the head of Dawate Islami, intended to assist Muslims with self-analysis and personal accountability, assessing observance of fard (obligatory), wajib (compulsory), Sunnah (Prophetic ways) and mustahibbāt (recommended) matters.

Mansurat al-Khayt

The village was also known by Mansurat al-Hula to distinguish it from al-Mansura in Safed and had a shrine for a local sage known as al-Shaykh Mansur from which the village was named after.

Muhammad Arshad Misbahi

Imam Muhammad Arshad began his studies at Jamia Al-Karam where he studied under Shaykh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada and Abu’l-In’am ‘Allama ‘Abd al-Bari. Later he travelled to India and Pakistan to pursue further and higher education. In Pakistan, he had the opportunity to study with the late Diya’ al-Ummat, Justice Shaykh Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azhari (ra) and in India, he studied at al-Jami’a al-Ashrafiyya at Mubarakpur.

Muhammed al-Ahari

When Muhammed returned to Chicago in 1990, he attended the American Islamic College for two additional years and restarted his Magribine Press with an edited edition of Muhammed Alexander Rusell Webb's Islam in America (1993), an edited edition of Shaykh Daoud's al-Islam, the True Faith of Humanity (2003), and his translation of the Fiqh text called the Ben Ali Diary or the Bilali Document written by Bilali Muhammad of Sapelo Island, Georgia.

Mustafa Ismail

Shaykh Mustafa Ismael focused on the Quran from an early age, when he reached the age of 10 he completed his hifdh Hafiz (memorized the Quran).

Naqsh-e Jahan Square

Donald Wilber gives the most plausible explanation to this; the vision of Shaykh Bahai was for the mosque to be visible wherever in the maydān a person was situated.

Naqshbandi Golden Chain

Classical Islam and the Naqshbandi Sufi Tradition, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, Islamic Supreme Council of America (June 2004), ISBN 1-930409-23-0.

Nazim Al-Haqqani

Among Mawlana Shaykh Nazim's current students and devotees are Hisham Kabbani, Gibril Haddad and Stephen Suleyman Schwartz.


Neşâtî first become affiliated with the Mevlevi order as a disciple of the shaykh Ağazâde Mehmed Dede, first in Gelibolu in Thrace and then in Beşiktaş in Istanbul.

Shaykh Hassan Cissé

He is the son of Sidi Ali Cissé and Fatima Zahra Niasse; and grandson of Ibrahim Niass, also spelled "Niasse" (died 1975), who was a Shaykh of the Tijaniyyah Sufi order and head of the largest Muslim community in twentieth-century West Africa and initiator of the largest branch of the Tijaniyyah Sufi order.

Sheikh Mustafa

In Makkah he studied under Mawlana Shaykh al-Islam Mufti Sayyad Ahmad Zayni Dahlan al-Makki’i ash-Shafi’i who was a great scholar of Makkah and Madina at that time.

see also