The Pick, the Sickle and the Shovel | Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel | Marion Power Shovel Company |
However, the first figure to transmit a sense of regionality is displayed in a series of banknotes printed by Britain and emitted by the Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires in 1867, where a young woman is seen holding a shovel in her left hand and a shepherd's crook in her right hand (representations of agriculture and animal husbandry, respectively).
A renowned songwriter as well as performer, Hennessy wrote several songs that became hits for other singers including Don't Forget your Shovel, made famous by Christy Moore, and All the Lies that You Told Me, recorded by Frances Black.
He finds a shovel nearby, and also finds that the Deadites have invaded the Kitten Club (Dearborn's local strip joint), and the police are blocking both the entrance to the bar and the part of town behind it to slay any creatures who come out.
An oft-quoted folk tale about Liu Ling claims that he was followed at all times by a servant bearing a bottle of wine and a shovel, who was equally prepared to offer him wine at a moment's notice or bury him if he fell over dead.
The name of the steam shovel was said to be derived from the contemporary Marion Steam Shovels).
Shovel's Check One Two was a radio show that aired on Indie 103.1 in Los Angeles, Ca.
Congressman Jason Chaffetz (representative for Utah's 3rd congressional district, which includes Payson) participated in the shovel ceremony.
Shovel Knight is being directed by former WayForward Technologies member Sean Velasco, and will include music composed by Jake Kaufman and Manami Matsumae.
The Shovel-billed Kookaburra digs through leaf litter for worms and other prey, and the Vanuatu Kingfisher feeds exclusively on insects and spiders.
Jumper went out to the Mediterranean again in 1707, and narrowly avoided the fate of Sir Cloudesley Shovel and almost 2,000 of his men on their return home, when a substantial part of the fleet was shipwrecked on the Scilly Isles.
The album's outro contains part of the on-air confrontation between Loon and 40 Cal on Miss Jones' show on Hot 97, concerning the shovel incident.