
unusual facts about sibling rivalry

Tony Ross

Since then many other stories were published and adapted into a new series (appropriately titled Little Princess), featuring issues such as sibling rivalry, bad manners and attachment.

see also

Conquest: Frontier Wars

Unlike Earth insects, the entire Mantis race has only one queen, and the firstborn female offspring of the queen is the sole heir to the throne, often causing sibling rivalry.

Jacob Have I Loved

The title refers to the sibling rivalry between Jacob and Esau in the Jewish and Christian Bible, and comes directly from Malachi 1:2,3: "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated."

Sarah Deane

Deane wrote the episode (S2 E 9) "Rules Of The Game", starring Alfie Allen, Richard Fleeshman, Tony Booth and Paula Wilcox, concerning teenage alcoholism and the pressures of sibling rivalry.