
unusual facts about silat

Dirk dance

The Highland Dirk Dance resembles a combative dance similar to those of Indonesian Pentjak Silat, which has the performer executing knife techniques combined with wrestling style kicks, trips and sweeps.


After Roekiah and Rd Mochtar of Tan's Film became the colony's first on-screen couple, appearing in box-office hits such as Fatima (1938), Java Industrial Film decided to pair Hadidjah with Moh Mochtar, a football player skilled at silat, and cast them in romantic roles.

Kapuas Hulu Regency

The region is the home to a diversity of indigenous groups, including the Iban and the Silat.


Some traditional styles include both words in their name, such as Kedah's 500-year-old silat kuntau tekpi which is categorized as silat.

Martial Arts Odyssey

Episodes have been shot in countries and features arts not featured on major networks, such as Muay Lao, Lai Tai, and Silat Kalam.

Tuan Haji Anuar bin Haji Abd. Wahab

He held the position of secretary to the sponsorship of the formation of Persekutuan Silat Antarabangsa (PERSILAT) 1979 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

see also