
unusual facts about sirventes


1268 in poetry

The Italian Calega Panzan composes Ar es sazos c'om si deu alegrar, a sirventes attacking the Guelphs and Angevins

Bertran de Paris de Roergue

The Hungarian scholar István Frank hypothesised that Bertran hailed from Parisot and re-classified his work as a sirventes.

Folquet de Lunel

Al bon rey q'es reys de pretz car was usually dated to 1269, but is more likely to have been written later, between February 1271, when Pope Gregory X arrived in Rome, and September 1273, when Rudolf of Habsburg was elected King of Germany, since the sirventes mentions a pope (there had been a vacancy since 1268) and does not mention Rudolf's claim to the Empire.

The sirventes defends the attempts of Alfonso to receive his crown, advocates for the freedom of Henry of Castile (the imprisoned by the Guelphs), and lends support to Aragones political ambitions in Italy.


The Leys d'amor, the guiding treatise of the Consistori de Tolosa and the Consistori de Barcelona, condemned the maldig especial (regarded as usually a type of sirventes), which attacked a specific individual (alquna certa persona: some certain person).

Peire d'Alvernhe

By far, however, Peire's most famous work is Chantarai d'aquest trobadors, a sirventes written at Puivert (Puoich-vert) in which he ridicules twelve contemporary troubadours ("a poetical gallery") and praises himself.


His didactic poem, L’ensenhamen d’onor, and his love songs and satirical pieces have little in common with Dante's presentation, but the invective against negligent princes which Dante puts into his mouth in the 7th canto of the Purgatorio is more adequately parallelled in his sirventes-planh (1237) on the death of his patron Blacatz, where he invites the princes of Christendom to feed on the heart of the hero.

see also