
unusual facts about skewness


Brown–Forsythe test

Brown and Forsythe performed Monte Carlo studies that indicated that using the trimmed mean performed best when the underlying data followed a Cauchy distribution (a heavy-tailed distribution) and the median performed best when the underlying data followed a Chi-squared distribution with four degrees of freedom (a heavily skewed distribution).

Levene's test

Brown and Forsythe performed Monte Carlo studies that indicated that using the trimmed mean performed best when the underlying data followed a Cauchy distribution (a heavy-tailed distribution) and the median performed best when the underlying data followed a Chi-squared distribution with four degrees of freedom (a heavily skewed distribution).

Winkel tripel projection

Goldberg and Gott show that the Winkel tripel fares well against several other projections analyzed against their measures of distortion, producing small distance errors, small combinations of Tissot indicatrix ellipticity and area errors, and the smallest skewness of any of the projections they studied.

see also