
unusual facts about snake oil


When TrueType and the license to Microsoft was announced, John Warnock of Adobe gave an impassioned speech in which he claimed Apple and Microsoft were selling snake oil, and then announced that the Type 1 format was open for anyone to use.

see also

Ramblin' Tommy Scott

According to the introduction of his autobiography, Snake Oil, Superstars and Me, published in 2007 and co-authored by Randall Franks and Shirley Noe Swiesz, Scott was then 90 years old.

Silicon Snake Oil

Although the internet took a diffent path than predicted in Silicon Snake Oil, it does provide a good description of surfing the World Wide Web when Mosaic (web browser) was the only web browser, Gopher (protocol) was used to find documents and the Bulletin board system required users to call another computer's modem.