
unusual facts about snake venom


In the prose, Loki has been bound by the gods with the guts of his son Nari, his son Váli is described as having been turned into a wolf, and the goddess Skaði fastens a venomous snake over Loki's face, from which venom drips.

Jonathan Leakey

Leakey now operates the Nakuru-based company Jonathan Leakey Ltd., which supplies East African snake venoms and medicinal plants for antivenom manufacturers, medical research facilities, and pharmaceutical companies.

see also

Freek Vonk

In September 2012 Vonk defended his PhD, with a thesis entitled Snake evolution and prospecting of snake venom at Leiden University.


In his Roman History, Cassius Dio makes reference to the Psylli as being sought out by Octavian to draw out the snake venom with which Cleopatra had poisoned herself (LI.14).