
2 unusual facts about snowshoe

Independence, Pitkin County, Colorado

They humorously billed their escape as the "Hunter Pass Tenderfoot Snowshoe Club Race", with an entry fee of one ham sandwich each.

Snowshoe, West Virginia

While the area is still best known for winter activities, today the resort has extensive mountain biking trails, a popular golf course, wedding and convention areas, a number of summer outdoor activities, and also hosts a Grand National Cross Country racing event.

Old King Clancy

She met "The Frozen Snowshoe" (a famous Canadian wrestler), who showed her his collection of Harvey's Trays (simple orange plastic trays from a fast-food chain), and offered her an "Old King Clancy" (a "Sacramento Turtleneck" with maple syrup).

Paul Landry

A Franco-Ontarian from Smooth Rock Falls in the Northeastern part of the province, Paul Landry spent his boyhood summers canoeing the area's rivers and his winters snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.

Saint John's School of Alberta

The school continued to have an outdoor education program with snowshoe training and races (now shortened from the original one-day, 16-hour races of 50 miles (80 km), canoe trips and other outdoor excursions.

Snowshoe hare

In Alaska, snowshoe hares consume new leaves of blueberries (Vaccinium spp.), new shoots of field horsetails (Equisetum arvense), and fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) in spring.

see also