
unusual facts about speechwriter


Alan Webber

He later worked as a speechwriter for Michael Dukakis during his 1988 presidential campaign.

Ben Coes

Coes started his career as a White House intern under President Ronald Reagan, and then served as the White House-appointed speechwriter for former U.S. Secretary of Energy James D. Watkins under President George H.W. Bush.

Carlos Alvarez

Carlos Alvarez-Aranyos (born 1980), political consultant and speechwriter

Caroline Anstey

Anstey joined the World Bank in 1995 as a consultant in the Bank’s External Affairs department, and the following year was appointed as assistant and speechwriter to the then World Bank President James Wolfensohn, later crediting him with giving the institution a “heart and soul”.

Century Institute

Its faculty has included many late 20th Century progressivism, including Prof. William Julius Wilson, activist Todd Gitlin, academic Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and UN official Gillian Martin Sorensen and her husband, John F. Kennedy advisor and speechwriter Theodore C. Sorensen.

Charles Douglas Jackson

From 1958 to 1960 he served as a speechwriter and White House manager, after the departure of Sherman Adams and the death of John Foster Dulles.

Citizens for the Republic

CFTR directors include for Attorney General of the United States Ed Meese, former Reagan policy advisor Peter D. Hannaford, and Mari Maseng, former Reagan administration speechwriter and political consultant and the second wife of columnist George Will.

Daniel R. White

founded by former television gag writer and presidential speechwriter Robert Orben.

Desson Thomson

In February 2012, he became a speechwriter and Senior Advisor for Content Development for the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs.


Barry Goldwater said, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue" at the 1964 Republican Convention in a sentence attributed to his speechwriter Karl Hess.

Frank M. Robinson

After moving to San Francisco in the 1970s, Robinson, who is gay, was a speechwriter for gay politician Harvey Milk; he also has a small role in the film Milk.

Gleaves Whitney

Prior to his arrival at Grand Valley State University, Whitney worked 11 years in Michigan Governor John Engler's administration, serving as senior writer, chief speechwriter, and historian.

Gordon Stewart

Gordon Curran Stewart, US Presidential Speechwriter, Founder of The Next Deal, Inc., Publisher of Philipstown Dot Info newspaper, Vice Chairman of International Insurance Society

Graham Freudenberg

Norman Graham Freudenberg AM (born 1934) is an Australian author and political speechwriter who worked in the Australian Labor Party for over forty years, beginning when he was appointed Arthur Calwell's press secretary in June 1961.

Gregg Underheim

Underheim tried to meet with Karl Rove in Texas, attempted (but failed) to meet with Howard Baker in Tennessee, and attempted (and failed) to become a speechwriter for the Republican National Committee in Washington D.C..


In a June 2002 column, Republican consultant and speechwriter Peggy Noonan expressed the hope that the Bush administration would change the name of the department, writing that, "The name Homeland Security grates on a lot of people, understandably. Homeland isn't really an American word, it's not something we used to say or say now".

Jamey Sheridan

He will also be joining an ensemble cast in the political film Game Change, playing speechwriter Mark Salter.

Jeff Shesol

As a White House speechwriter from 1998 to 2001, Shesol took a lead role on two State of the Union Addresses, the President’s 2000 Democratic National Convention speech, and the Farewell Address.

John Pollack

Eventually, he moved to Washington, DC where he became a speechwriter for the Democratic Whip in the U.S. House of Representatives, David E. Bonior, and later for President Bill Clinton at The White House.

Kyrsten Sinema

On August 28, 2012, Sinema won the Democratic primary with 42% of the vote, defeating former Arizona Democratic Party chairman Andrei Cherny, a former speechwriter in the Clinton administration, and state Senator David Schapira.


Robert Lehrman, American novelist, commentator, speechwriter, Democratic aide, and teacher

Ludger Kühnhardt

He was speechwriter for Germany’s Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker (1987–1989) and a visiting professor at prestigious universities around the world, including the University of Cape Town (1991), College of Europe (1995), Dartmouth College (2000), Stanford University (2004), Seoul National University (2004–2005) and St Antony's College, Oxford (2005–2006).

Michael Gurr

He worked as a speechwriter for a number of years for Steve Bracks.

Mona Charen

Charen served as Jack Kemp's speechwriter during his unsuccessful 1988 presidential bid.

Norman Lear Center

The Center is named for benefactor Norman Lear, the social activist and philanthropist, and television producer, and was founded and is directed by Marty Kaplan, associate dean of the USC Annenberg School, who has been a political speechwriter, Hollywood studio executive, and screenwriter-producer.

Office of the Coordinator of Information

Roosevelt was persuaded to create the office several months before the United States entered the war by prominent New York lawyer William J. Donovan, who had been dispatched to London by the president to assess the ability of the British to continue fighting after the French capitulation to German aggression, and by American playwright Robert Sherwood, who served as Roosevelt's primary speechwriter on foreign affairs.

Porcellian Club

Despite the exclusivity and mystique, some, like National Review columnist/editor, Ronald Reagan speechwriter and Dartmouth emeritus professor of English Jeffrey Hart, have noted the club's modest physical and metaphorical character.

Ralph E. Williams

It was during this period that Williams (also working as a speechwriter) and Malcolm Moos coined the term "military-industrial complex" that Eisenhower used in his farewell address.

Ralph Williams

Ralph E. Williams (1917–2003), United States Navy officer and speechwriter for Dwight D. Eisenhower

Robert Dorigo Jones

In 1985, Dorigo Jones graduated from James Madison College at Michigan State University and went to work as a speechwriter for Wayne County Executive and future Michigan gubernatorial candidate, William Lucas.

Ronald Millar

Prior to becoming a full-time dramatist and then a speechwriter, Millar acted in a number of West End productions during and after World War II, in the company of luminaries as Ivor Novello, Alastair Sim and John Gielgud.

Scott McQuade

Scott McQuade was previously an editor and speechwriter for OPEC, a journalist, and a communication and investor relations consultant.

Susan Estrich

In 1986, Estrich married screenwriter, professor and former speechwriter Marty Kaplan, with whom she has a daughter, Isabel, and a son, James.

The Proud and Profane

She travelled with Basil O'Connor National Chairman of the American Red Cross during the war as his secretary and speechwriter.

Will Marshall

Prior to the founding of PPI, Marshall was variously a speechwriter for Lieutenant Governor Dick Davis of Virginia, Governor Jim Hunt of North Carolina and Representative Gillis Long of Louisiana.

see also