
unusual facts about sphere of influence


In the 13th and 14th centuries, this house, under the name of Vachutean, once more came to prominence in the Georgian sphere of influence; under the suzerainty of the Mkhargrdzeli (Zakarid) princes, they ruled again over Aragatsotn, as well as a portion of Shirak and Nig, a key fortress in Amberd.

see also

Church of St Thomas of Canterbury, Kingswear

In its early days the church came under the sphere of influence of Totnes Priory and the church’s priests were monks from the priory.


One notable manner in which he both exerted influence and aided the mission was his involvement in and support of convents within his sphere of influence in Nuestria (for example Faremoutiers) into which some of the princesses of Kent, such as Eorcongota and East Anglia such as Aethelburg and Saethryth, in most cases his relations, retired and were made abbess.

France–Morocco relations

After the troubled periods of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, France again showed a strong interest in Morocco in the 1830s, as a possible extension of her sphere of influence in the Maghreb, after Algeria and Tunisia.

History of Delaware

The border between Pennsylvania and Delaware is formed by an arc known as The Twelve-Mile Circle laid out in the seventeenth century to clearly delineate the area within the sphere of influence of New Castle.

History of the University of Dhaka

The Partition of Bengal in 1905 provided the Muslim majority community of East Bengal and Assam with a sphere of influence of their own and raised new hopes for the development of the region and advancement of its people.

Informbiro period

As a result, Yugoslavia fell outside of the Soviet sphere of influence, and the country's brand of communism, with its independence from the Soviet line, was called Titoism by Moscow and considered treasonous.

Japanese colonialism

Victories over China and Russia expanded the Japanese sphere of influence, notably in Formosa and Korea, but South Sakhalin became a part of metropolitan Japan as Karafuto Prefecture in 1905.

Louis I of Hungary

After the serials of victories over the Tatars, the Hungarian sphere of influence stretched eastward as far as the Dniester.


In Marbury, Chief Justice Marshall established that the Supreme Court could invalidate laws which violated the Constitution (that is, judicial review), which helped establish the Supreme Court as having its own distinct sphere of influence within the Federal Government.

Pepin of Herstal

Over the next several years, Pepin subdued the Alemanni, Frisians, and Franconians, bringing them within the Frankish sphere of influence.

Raymond of Roda

The reasons for Solomon's fall from favour are unclear, but it may have been that he was a Catalan and his loyalty in the disputes between the County of Ribagorza, which lay within Roda's diocese and Sancho's kingdom, and the neighbouring County of Pallars, which was within the sphere of influence of the Count of Barcelona, was suspect.

Western Niger

In 1885, British claims to a West African sphere of influence received international recognition, and in the following year the Royal Niger Company was chartered under the leadership of Sir George Taubman Goldie.