
unusual facts about The Sphere

The Sphere

German film director Percy Adlon, who had twice previously devoted films to Koenig, made Koenigs Kugel (Koenig's Sphere) at a time when the sculpture's fate was still uncertain.

Fortunino Matania

In 1904, Matania joined the staff of The Sphere where some of his most famous work was to appear, including his illustrations of the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.

see also

AERCam Sprint

The sphere, which looks like an oversized soccer ball, was released by Mission Specialist Winston E. Scott during the STS-87 spacewalk and flew freely in the forward cargo bay for about 30 minutes.

Aliona Doletskaya

In the early 90s changed the field of activity in the educational sphere, the sphere of media and PR.


The other organisations involved were The Sphere Project, Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) International, and People In Aid.

Church of St Thomas of Canterbury, Kingswear

In its early days the church came under the sphere of influence of Totnes Priory and the church’s priests were monks from the priory.

Crystal ball

This effect is used in the Campbell–Stokes recorder to record the brightness of sunlight by burning the surface of a piece of cardboard placed near the sphere.

Definitions of Tibet

In order to offset the damage done to their interests by the 1906 treaty between England and Tibet, the Chinese set up about extending westwards the sphere of their direct control and began to colonize the country round Batang.

Delta DMD

In the sphere of foodstuffs Delta M operates as general importer and distributor of Ferrero confectionery in the territory of Serbia.


The mission of ECOLAS is to work within the sphere of European undergraduate education to foster and disseminate good practices essential to nurturing the ideals and skills necessary for lifelong learning and good citizenship that are embedded in the educational tradition of the liberal arts and sciences.

Fujio Ishihara

That's as defined the sphere with a diamerer of 100 light years (within 50 light years radius from the Sun).

Hamming bound

In mathematics and computer science, in the field of coding theory, the Hamming bound is a limit on the parameters of an arbitrary block code: it is also known as the sphere-packing bound or the volume bound from an interpretation in terms of packing balls in the Hamming metric into the space of all possible words.

Hiroshi Yasuda

In the sphere of international standardization, together with Dr. Leonardo Chiariglione he founded the Moving Picture Experts Group which standardized MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3, better known as MP3.

History of Delaware

The border between Pennsylvania and Delaware is formed by an arc known as The Twelve-Mile Circle laid out in the seventeenth century to clearly delineate the area within the sphere of influence of New Castle.

IBM Virtual Universe Community

The community members also work on numerous projects to promote virtual worlds in the sphere of art, cross cultural collaboration, social enterprise, sustainable development, services based innovation and learning, both on internal IBM grids and public virtual world grids, such as Second Life and other Open Sim based grids.

Large deviations of Gaussian random functions

The coefficient 2 before P(\xi>a) is in fact the Euler characteristic of the sphere (for the torus it vanishes).

Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony

The player's objective, as disciple of the Headmaster, is to recover the Orb of Celestial Harmony from disciple-turned-badguy Kaimen.

Nicolaus Mulerius

In 1616, Nicolaus Mulerius published a textbook on astronomy reminiscent of the Sphere by Johannes de Sacrobosco.


In fact, the sphere of the seven stars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, were supposed to be presided over, each by a different archon.

One-Million-Liter Test Sphere

Human volunteers breathed metered aerosols of Q fever or tularemia organisms through ports along the perimeter of the sphere.


To Thagirion, “the replacement of Tiphereth, the sphere of the vitalizing Sun, with a place holding Belphegor, the lord of dead, is most striking”.

Raymond of Roda

The reasons for Solomon's fall from favour are unclear, but it may have been that he was a Catalan and his loyalty in the disputes between the County of Ribagorza, which lay within Roda's diocese and Sancho's kingdom, and the neighbouring County of Pallars, which was within the sphere of influence of the Count of Barcelona, was suspect.

Solomon I of Imereti

The Ottomans, which saw Imereti as the sphere of their influence, sent in an army, but Solomon succeeded in mobilizing his nobles around him and defeated the invaders at the Battle of Khresili in 1757.

Spoke-hub distribution paradigm

In the sphere of East Asian relations, according to Victor Cha, hub-and-spokes refers to the network of bilateral alliances between United States and other individual East Asian countries.

Synod of Homberg

Even before Luther's dramatic appearance, the lords of the State in Germany, no less than in France and England, had extended their prerogatives into the sphere of ecclesiastical affairs.

The Celestial Sphere Woodrow Wilson Memorial

The team included such famous names as Angelo Colombo, Giuseppe Massari, and Richard Pousette-Dart, the renowned painter, who collaborated with Herbert Kammerer on the lettering of the sphere.

The Thanos Quest

In Part One of the Thanos Quest, Thanos first travels to the Nexus of Reality where the concept being the In-Betweener is being imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order; after freeing him from the sphere in which he is being incarcerated, Thanos forcibly takes the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener, whose powers are useless at the heart of the realm of Chaos and Order.


It consists of a spherical central section, with two symmetrical sets of five prongs, which arc out from lotus blooms on either side of the sphere and come to a point at two points equidistant from the centre, thus giving it the appearance of a "diamond sceptre", which is how the term is sometimes translated.