
unusual facts about statistic


Adebayo Akinfenwa

Akinfenwa weighs around 16 stone and is noted for his tremendous strength, so much so that in the computer game FIFA 14 he had the highest strength statistic of any player on the game.

Diabetes Australia

The report highlighted the statistic that 275 Australians were diagnosed with diabetes every day and that by 2025, type 2 diabetes is predicted to triple in prevalence.

Earned run average

The National League first kept official earned run average statistics in 1912 (the statistic was called "Heydler's statistic" for a while, after then-NL secretary John Heydler), with the American League following suit afterward.

Farmers' suicides in India

Battle in Seattle, (a 2007 film that quotes the Indian suicide statistic in the end credits)

G. A. Chandrasiri

In the final stages of the Sri Lankan Civil War he was appointed Commander Security Forces Headquarters - Jaffna, during which his command resisted several attacks on the Jaffna peninsula by the LTTE until a successful offensive by his divisions pushed the LTTE out of the Jaffna peninsula and recaptured the statistic Elephant Pass.

Goldfeld–Quandt test

Increasing the number of observations dropped in the "middle" of the ordering will increase the power of the test but reduce the degrees of freedom for the test statistic.


Goals against average (GAA), also known as Goals per game, sports statistic

Henry J. Rosner

Rosner contributed "The Myth of a Progressive Governor," a statistic-filled six page tract blasting Franklin D. Roosevelt's failure to honor his promise to "remember the forgotten man at the bottom."

History of Uganda

In 1978, the International Commission of Jurists estimated that more than 100,000 Ugandans had been murdered during Amin's reign of terror; some authorities place the figure as high as 300,000—a statistic cited at the end of the 2006 movie The Last King of Scotland, which chronicled part of Amin's dictatorship.

Jaccard index

The Jaccard index, also known as the Jaccard similarity coefficient (originally coined coefficient de communauté by Paul Jaccard), is a statistic used for comparing the similarity and diversity of sample sets.

Jeff Stover

He is one of only seven 49ers defensive linemen (along with Dwaine Board, Charles Haley, Dana Stubblefield, Chris Doleman, Roy Barker, and Bryant Young) to register ten or more sacks more than once during their tenure with the team since the statistic started being recorded in 1982..

Nonfarm payrolls

It is an influential statistic and economic indicator released monthly by the United States Department of Labor as part of a comprehensive report on the state of the labor market.

Phoenix metropolitan area

Changes in house prices for the area are publicly tracked on a regular basis using the Case–Shiller index; the statistic is published by Standard & Poor's and is also a component of S&P's 20-city composite index of the value of the U.S. residential real estate market.


While the statistic officially measures a difference, it is sometimes (inaccurately) referred to as the plus−minus ratio or plus−minus rating.


The word polykay was coined by American mathematician John Tukey in 1956, from poly, "many" or "much", and kay, the phonetic spelling of the letter "k", as in k-statistic.

Statistical proof

Using the scientific method of falsification, the probability value that the sample statistic is sufficiently different from the null-model than can be explained by chance alone is given prior to the test.


Studentization — adjustment of a statistic by dividing it by a sample-based estimate of its standard deviation.

The Verifier

In response to this statistic, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced PlaNYC to help New York achieve his stated goal, the cleanest air quality of any major city in America.

Tom Tango

2009 American League Cy Young Award winner Zack Greinke specifically mentioned FIP as his favorite statistic.

Ultimate Value Index

The hitting statistic is often compared to Thomas Boswell's total average or the more commonly used slugging percentage, but is slightly more advanced, accounting for bunts and sacrifice flies, and the denominator of UVI is plate appearances instead of outs made.

Wireless Amateur Network of Amaliada

There are over 40 similar communities in other cities of Greece, a statistic information that makes Greece a pioneer in wireless networking.

Xuân Thủy National Park

According to statistic data of the Giao Thủy District People's Committee from the year 2005, there are 47.123 inhabitants living in the five Buffer Zone Communes (Giao Thien, Giao An, Giao Lac, Giao Xuan and Giao Hai) belonging to the National Park.

see also