
unusual facts about steelpan


Steelpan - a pitched percussion instrument, also known as a steel drum


Steelpan | steelpan |

Jit Samaroo

They were initially Parang players - Jit on guitar pan, Girlie on cowbell, Vidya on the drums, Baboolal on maracas, and brother Sonilal on scratcher - but by 14, already a self-confessed "slave to steelpan", Jit joined the Lever Brothers Canboulay Steelband.


It is the heart of the steelpan world, where pioneer Winston "Spree" Simon lived and created one of the century’s new acoustical musical instruments.

Robert Greenidge

Robert Greenidge (born 28 April 1950 in Success Village, Laventille, Trinidad) is a steelpan player in the United States and a member of popular music singer Jimmy Buffett's Coral Reefer Band and the instrumental group Club Trini.

That's How You Know

As Giselle sings and dances through the park, she is joined by other people in the park including buskers, a steelband, elderly dancers, Bavarian dancers, and rollerbladers.

see also