
unusual facts about stippling


All Religions are One

During Blake's training as a professional copy engraver with James Basire during the 1770s, the most common method of engraving was stippling, which was thought to give a more accurate impression of the original picture than the previously dominant method, line engraving.

Nicolas Colibert

He executed in the dotted style some landscapes after Casanova, and about 1782 came to London, where he produced two oval plates of 'Pity' and 'Youth,' and two subjects from 'Evelina.'

William Wynne Ryland

In his later life Ryland abandoned line engraving, and introduced chalk-engraving, in which the line is composed of stippled dots, and in which he transcribed Mortimer's "King John Signing Magna Carta", and copied the drawings of the Old Masters and the works of Angelica Kauffman.

see also