
unusual facts about subantarctic

Antipodes Subantarctic Islands tundra

The islands are home to a number of rare plants including a unique genus the Auckland Island Pleurophyllum, and the only subantarctic orchids, Nematoceras dienemum and Nematoceras sulcatum of Macquarie Island.

Bibliography of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

Matthews, L. Harrison – South Georgia: The British Empire’s Subantarctic Outpost.

Callophyllis variegata

But also in New Guinea, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, St. Paul Island (Indian Ocean), Antarctic and subantarctic islands such as the Graham Land, Kerguelen, Macquarie Island, South Georgia, and the South Orkney Islands.

Imperial Shag

The Imperial Shag (Phalacrocorax atriceps) is a black and white cormorant native to many subantarctic islands, the Antarctic Peninsula and southern South America, primarily in rocky coastal regions, but locally also at large inland lakes.

Longnose pygmy shark

These records suggest that it may have a circumglobal distribution in the Southern Hemisphere, inhabiting subantarctic waters and cold ocean currents, including the Benguela and the Humboldt.

Macquarie Shag

The Macquarie Shag is restricted to subantarctic Macquarie Island and the nearby Bishop and Clerk Islets, part of the Macquarie group, 33 km to the south.

Munditia meridionalis

This species occurs in subantarctic waters off the South Orkney Islands and the South Shetland Islands at depths between 16 m and 18 m.

Nicolas Day

He joined a 1997 expedition to Raine Island as the natural history artist, as well as participating in field trips to the Outer Hebrides and subantarctic Macquarie Island.

Possession Island

Île de la Possession (Possession Island), French subantarctic territory

Venus Bay, New Zealand

Venus Bay is located on Perseverance Harbour on New Zealand's subantarctic Campbell Island.

see also