
unusual facts about subatomic


A slave driver from Saturn (later retconned as a subatomic earthlike world near or within Saturn), Eviless and Duke Mephisto Saturno (of the Saturnian Invasion Force) battled Wonder Woman.


:For the subatomic particle, see List of mesons


Electron, a subatomic particle formerly and occasionally known as negatron

Oscar W. Greenberg

He is famous for positing the existence of a hidden, 3-valued charge, called color charge, of subatomic particles, ``quarks, in 1964, the same year that quarks were posited as constituents of hadrons by Murray Gell-Mann and, independently, by George Zweig.

Universal evolution

Universal evolution is a theory of evolution formulated by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Julian Huxley that describes the gradual development of the Universe from subatomic particles to human society, considered by Teilhard as the last stage.

Vernon W. Hughes

Vernon W. Hughes (May 28, 1921, Kankakee, Illinois - Mar 25, 2003) was an American physicist specializing in research of subatomic particles.

see also