
unusual facts about sundial

Grant O. Gale

The large "Alpha and Omega Sundial" which sits next to the Noyce Science Center on the Grinnell College campus is named in honor of Gale's wife Harriet.

Chinese Cultural Garden

Features include an ornamental Friendship Gate, the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, the Chiang Kai-shek Pavilion, a large statue of Confucius, the Plum Pavilion, a sundial, and a carved, 15 ton black marble stone, mined and shipped from the Republic of China (Taiwan), donated by Tainan, one of San Jose's sister cities.

Edmund Buchner

Buchner is known primarily for his research on the solarium Augusti, the sundial erected by the Roman emperor Augustus on the Field of Mars in Rome.

Exbury Gardens

Other features include the Hydrangea Walk, the Rock Garden, Iris Garden, the Sundial Garden which follows an exotic planting, and a Camellia Walk (which takes visitors to a path alongside Beaulieu river and back via the pond).

Giovanni Padovani

He published a number of esteemed treatises on various astronomical and mathematical subjects, the most well-known of which was a treatise on the sundial called Opus de compositione et usu multiformium horologiorum solarium, pro diversis mundi regionibus, idq(ue) ubique locorum tam in superficie plana horizontali quam murali quoruscumqu(ue) exposita sit, pertractans (Venice, 1570).

John I. Yellott

He also contributed his solar expertise to civic projects such as the landmark Carefree Sundial in Carefree, Arizona.

L. perennis

Lupinus perennis, the Indian beet, old maid's bonnets, blue lupine or sundial lupine, a plant species widespread in the eastern part of the United States

Life Sequence

“Sundial” and “Sands of Time” were recorded and composed with Paul Ellis.

Louis J. Bader House and Garden

George Otten, a landscape engineer for the Oregon State Highway Commission, designed the property's formal garden, with paths of Italian marble, a sundial, a pergola, and a circular flower bed, among other features, at the rear of the house.

McKeldin Mall

A sundial, honoring Dutch astronomer Uco van Wijk (who founded the university's astronomy program) sits in the center of the mall, at the edge of the ODK fountain.

Nottingham Subscription Library

In the first-floor 'Standfast Library' is a Meridian Line, used to set clocks to Noon local time in the days before Railway time or Greenwich Mean Time was introduced as the British standard.


The sundial was eventually won in 1985 by Sue Cooper and Lizi Newman, who correctly worked out that it could only be found on July 22 (because Pi is sometimes rounded to 22/7) at the chalk horse at Hindover Hill near Litlington, East Sussex.

Quitsato Sundial

The Quitsato Sundial is a cultural-touristic place located at La Mitad Del Mundo, near to Cayambe, 47 km at North of Quito.

Rutherford Boyd

With his friend J. Ernest G. Yalden, he designed the Yalden Memorial Sundial (1937), at Waterfront Park, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.

St James' Priory, Bristol

The sundial is a block of Bath stone carved with hour lines and medieval Arabic numerals in a style that suggests it was probably made in the 15th century.

Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay

The Sundial Bridge is a cantilever spar cable-stayed bridge, similar to Calatrava's earlier design of the Puente del Alamillo in Seville, Spain (1992).

Wing Haven Gardens and Bird Sanctuary

The garden also contains an English sundial from 1705, various terra cotta pieces, a plaque with a poem by Japanese pacifist and reformer Toyohiko Kagawa, and a statue of Saint Fiacre, patron saint of gardeners.

see also