
2 unusual facts about superconductivity


The Meissner effect was given a phenomenological explanation by the brothers Fritz and Heinz London, who showed that the electromagnetic free energy in a superconductor is minimized provided

The first practical application of superconductivity was developed in 1954 with Dudley Allen Buck's invention of the cryotron.

Andrew D. Huxley

Quantum fluctuations are enhanced at the QCP, destabilising the conventional phase that dominates under ambient conditions, making conditions propitious for the emergence of a novel unconventional phase such as superconductivity, or possibly even more exotic states.

Chu Ching-wu

In 1987 he and Maw-Kuen Wu announced the historic discovery of superconductivity above 77 K in YBCO, touching off a frenzy of scientific excitement exemplified by the Woodstock of physics, at which he was a featured presenter.

Frank Steglich

by electron-electron interactions, rather than the electron-phonon interaction that is responsible for conventional BCS superconductivity.

Independent electron approximation

For example, the theory covering much of superconductivity is BCS theory, in which the attraction of pairs of electrons to each other, termed "Cooper pairs", is the mechanism behind superconductivity.

Kathryn Moler

She joined the faculty of Stanford University in 1998, and became an Associate in CIFAR's Superconductivity Program (now called the Quantum Materials Program) in 2000.

Long Josephson junction

In superconductivity, a long Josephson junction (LJJ) is a Josephson junction which has one or more dimensions longer than the Josephson penetration depth \lambda J.

Naser Qureshi

He did his PhD in Physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara (Thesis: Therahertz dynamics in semiconductor heterostructures); A.B. in Physics from Princeton University (Thesis: High-Tc superconductivity); and a post-doctorate in Electrical Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz (Ultrafast magnetism).

Paul Chu

Chu Ching-wu, Paul C.W. Chu, physicist known for work on superconductivity, and president of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Peter Fulde

Fulde has made numerous contributions to Condensed matter physics including superconductivity and correlated electrons in molecules and solids.

see also