
unusual facts about supergravity

11th dimension

Supergravity, a field theory that combines the principles of supersymmetry and general relativity

Freund–Rubin compactification

11D supergravity contains a 3-form field C. It also contains an electric 2-brane (M2) and a magnetic 5-brane (M5) under C. These branes are BPS states and they are also black branes.

Holographic principle

The Matrix theory they proposed was first suggested as a description of two branes in 11-dimensional supergravity by Bernard de Wit, Jens Hoppe, and Hermann Nicolai.

Richard Arnowitt

Arnowitt is also known for his work (with Ali Chamseddine and Pran Nath) which developed the theory of supergravity grand unification (with gravity mediated breaking).

Sylvester James Gates

He is pursuing ongoing research into string theory, supersymmetry, and supergravity at the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics.

see also