
4 unusual facts about telex

Alhaji Abdoulie Cham

Alhaji lectured Mathematics and the Principles of Telex, Fax and Cellular Services to technicians and Customer Care Staff of Gamtel and Gamcel for more than a decade.


According to a Telex on April 4, 1945, at least part of a tank company should have been transferred to the district of Dresden.


One of the largest such switches was operated by Royal Dutch Shell as recently as 1994, permitting the exchange of messages between a number of IBM Officevision, Digital Equipment Corporation ALL-IN-1 and Microsoft Mail systems.

This F1F2 option replaced the DC voltage of the local and long distance options with modems at the exchange and subscriber ends of the telex circuit.

Ali Akbar Salehi

While chancellor, Salehi was involved in an attempt to obtain dual-use technologies from a European supplier, according to David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security, citing some 1,600 telex documents from the 1990s.

Anthony Stafford Beer

The system used a network of about 500 telex machines located at enterprises throughout the country and in government offices in Santiago, some of which were connected to a government-operated mainframe computer that would receive information on production operations, feed that information into economic modeling software, and report on variables (such as raw material supplies) that were outside normal parameters and might require attention.

C. Lorenz AG

During the 1950s, Lorenz recovered strongly and had several branches: Berlin-Tempelhof (radio communications and broadcasting research); Esslingen am Neckar (radio tubes); Landshut (electrical machines, broadcasting equipment, and signal systems); Pforzheim I (research and model workshop for small-scale transmitting equipment); Pforzheim II (telex factory); and Schaub Pforzheim (radio and television receivers).

Christian de la Mazière

He is believed to be the basis for the character of the same name in Rachel Kushner's novel Telex from Cuba.


Initially known as Data Products, the company was founded by Erwin Tomash in 1962 in order to take controlling interest of Telex's Data Systems Division.

Jón Loftur Árnason

Just a year later, playing in a telex match for Iceland against England, he drew as Black against Jonathan Mestel, an established master.

Midas Consoles

When, in January 2006, Telex Communications was acquired by the Bosch group, Midas consoles became part of the business unit "Bosch Communications Systems".

Telecommunications in American Samoa

domestic: good telex, telegraph, facsimile and cellular telephone services; domestic satellite system with 1 Comsat earth station

Visa policy of Liberia

A visa may be issued if necessary to travellers starting their journey from a country that has no diplomatic representation of Liberia on condition that the transporting carrier sends a telex message the station manager in Monrovia.

see also