The bishops, whose seat was Prabuty (Riesenburg), ruled one third of diocesan territory as his temporality.
George Edmundson wrote, in History of Holland, that Henry, "was compelled" in 1528 to formally surrender "the temporalities of the see" to Charles V.
During the Interdict of King John of England's reign, Poore took refuge in Scotland in 1209, and had returned to England by 18 July 1213 when the temporalities of the see were returned to him.
In the Holy Roman Empire the German term Hochstift (plural: Hochstifte or, in some regions, Hochstifter) was often used to denote the territory of secular authority held by bishops ruling a prince-bishopric as their temporalities.
In 1440 he had a grant of the temporalities of the See of Cashel for ten years after the death of the Archbishop of Cashel, Richard O'Hedian.
He was appointed Deputy Escheator of that county about 1315, and was given custody of the temporalities of the Archdiocese of Armagh in 1321.
After doing so, and having received Thomas' oath of fealty, King Edward ordered John de Warrene, the Earl of Surrey, to install Thomas into his episcopal temporalities.