
unusual facts about tenencia


Álvaro Pérez de Lara

During the latter part of his career, Álvaro ruled Asturias de Santillana (1156–70) and briefly held the tenencia of Burgos (1168), the top military post in the capital of Castile.

Fernando Ponce de Cabrera el Mayor

In 1162, on the death of his father, Fernando succeeded to the tenencia of Sanabria.

Early in 1161, Ferdinand, prompted by fear that Afonso I of Portugal was planning an invasion, bestowed the tenencias (tenancies-in-chief) of Ciudad Rodrigo and Ledesma on Ponce, who in turn gave the latter to his son Fernando.

Haro, La Rioja

Alfonso VI of León and Castile entrusted the tenencia to Diego López I de Haro after the death of count García Ordóñez and the first of the lords of Biscay to attach the name of this town to his patronymic was Diego's son, Lope Díaz I de Haro.

María Perceval

Some of the most notable bills she authored include Regulación de la Tenencia de Armas (Regulations on Gun Possession) in 2002, and Plan de Desarme (Action Plan on Disarmament for light weapons) in 2006.

Mutiny of the Trout

They then razed to the ground the house of the regidor, and, fearing the reprisals of Count Ponce, they fled en masse to the Portuguese border and asked the king, Ferdinand II, through messengers to pardon them and confiscate Ponce's lands (tenencias).

see also