
unusual facts about terror bombing


James Corum states a prevalent myth about the Luftwaffe and its blitzkrieg operations is that it had a doctrine of terror bombing, in which civilians were deliberately targeted in order to break the will or aid the collapse of an enemy.

Copenhagen University Library

In the British terror bombing of the civilian population of Copenhagen in the Battle of Copenhagen in 1807, the University Library was only marginally damaged when a few grenades penetrated the roof of Trinitatis Church.

Il canto sospeso

A terror bombing at the Munich Oktoberfest on 26 September 1980 killed 13 people and injured more than 200 others.

The Flight across the Ocean

In 1950 Brecht removed Lindbergh's name for a production by the Südwestrundfunk, adding a preface denouncing Lindbergh's contributions to the technology of terror bombing as well as his wartime anti-interventionism and alleged Nazi sympathies.

see also

Hassan Diab

On April 4, 2012, Minister of Justice Rob Nicholson ordered Diab extradited to France to face terror bombing charges.