
unusual facts about terrorist organization

Ebbe Carlsson affair

The reason for this was supposedly that Palme had stopped the Iranians from acquiring the Swedish Air Defence Missile System RBS 70 and that the Swedish government had listed PKK as a terrorist organization.

Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors

Considered by some a terrorist organization, in October 1999 they gained notoriety by raiding and holding hostages at the consulate of Burma in Bangkok, Thailand.

see also

Aaron Klein

During a June 2007 interview, after an argument over whether or not Hamas was a terrorist organization, the British politician George Galloway evicted Klein and Rusty Humphries from his office and turned them over to Parliament police, claiming the two had breached security by falsely presenting themselves as reporters.

Betty McCollum

In 2004, McCollum gained national visibility when she and fellow Democrat, Jim McDermott of Washington called for Secretary of Education Rod Paige to resign for claiming the National Education Association was "a terrorist organization."

Dennis Ryland

In season three he begins working as the leader of a privately owned company, Haspel Corporation, a defense contractor aiding the NSA in the tracking of the Nova Group, a terrorist organization of 4400 returnees.

Dirty Hearts

The film is based upon the true story of Shindo Renmei, a terrorist organization composed of Japanese immigrants in Brazil, at the end of World War II.

Donald Kaul

In a January 2, 2013 Des Moines Register satirical essay posted shortly after the Newtown massacre at a Connecticut elementary school, Kaul called for the NRA to be declared a terrorist organization, for Republican leaders Mitch McConnell and John Boehner to be dragged behind a Chevy pickup truck until they saw "the light" about gun control, and for anyone who would not give up their firearms to be killed.

Farhad Ahmed Dockrat

Farhad Ahmed Dockrat is a South African cleric and businessman who has recently been listed by the UN Security Council as a terror suspect along with his cousin Junaid Ismail Dockrat for alleged links with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

Georgy Sudeykin

In 1879, he exposed the entire Kiev branch of the Narodnaya Volya terrorist organization, and he was quickly promoted to the top of the Okhrana hierarchy.

Hatice Duman

Since April 9, 2003, she is kept in prison in Gebze and is accused of being a manager of a terrorist organization.

İbrahim Parlak

However, the U.S. State Department retroactively labeled PKK a "terrorist organization" in 1997.

Illegal drug trade in Colombia

The cartel is believed to have employed the services of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a right-wing paramilitary organization internationally classified as a terrorist organization, to protect the cartel’s drug routes, its drug laboratories, and its members and associates.

Israel, Palestine, and the United Nations

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, denounced the speech stating that Hamas was an internationally recognized terrorist organization that targeted civilians.


According to B. Raman, Jaish-e-Mohammed is viewed as the "deadliest" and "the principal terrorist organization in Jammu and Kashmir".

John Cannis

Cannis, as the Member of Parliament for their region, called for the entire family to be charged under the Canadian Anti-Terrorism Act for "aiding a terrorist organization with which Canada is at war".

Junaid Ismail Dockrat

Dr Junaid Ismail Dockrat is a South African Dentist who has recently been listed by the UN Security Council as a terror suspect along with his cousin Farhad Ahmed Dockrat for the alleged links with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup

Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (or Kanglei Yaol Kanba Lup) is a Meitei terrorist organization in the state of Manipur in India formed in January 1994 by the unification of splinter groups like Ibopishak faction of the Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) along with United National Liberation Front (UNLF) led by Namoijam Oken and the People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK) led by Meiraba.

Mark 12 nuclear bomb

Though the weapon went out of service in 1962, it resurfaced in a fictional role in Tom Clancy's 1991 book The Sum of All Fears and the 2002 film, where the plot included an Israeli copy of the Mark-12 being lost by accident in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War in southern Syria near the Golan Heights, and then recovered by a terrorist organization.

Marvel Mangaverse

Plot: Three years prior to the story Dr. Banner discovered the Negative Zone, a dimension which contains vast amounts of energy, and was tricked by the terrorist organization HYDRA into building "the Energy Well", a means of harvesting this energy, to power their weapon of mass destruction.

Rabei Osman

Italian and Spanish arrest warrants suggest he became a member of the terrorist organization "Egyptian Islamic Jihad", one of al-Qaeda's backbone groups, which was led by Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's right hand man and mentor.


Sanabal Charitable Committee, a charity front in the United Kingdom which raised money for the banned terrorist organization called the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, which is aligned with al-Qaeda

The Night of Morningstar

"The Watchmen" is an international terrorist organization that has sprung out of nowhere and is making major assaults, for example killing the entire Turkish Embassy staff in Madrid, wrecking a French nuclear power plant, and blowing up a dam in Utah.

The Prometheus Deception

The story begins with the protagonist, under the alias the Technician, who is in deep cover to stop the Hezbollah terrorist organization from overthrowing the government of Tunisia.

William Kashtan

In 1970, Kashtan spoke out against the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) group in Quebec, describing it as a terrorist organization and claiming that its methods were not consistent with genuine revolutionary behaviour.

Wing Commander: Privateer

: The Retros belong to a quasi-religious terrorist organization called the Church of Man who believe that technology is evil and vow to vanquish all forms of it, even if by doing so they themselves must use technology (the ends justify the means).