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CarSim is produced and distributed by an American company, Mechanical Simulation Corporation, using technology that originated at The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Dr. Lee is originally from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and is currently on the faculty of the University of South Florida, in Tampa, USA, She received a doctoral degree from the University of Michigan, two masters’ degrees from Ohio University, and a bachelor’s degree from Soochow University in Taiwan.
The original CHAT tool was developed in 1995 by physician ethicists at the National Institutes of Health and the University of Michigan in the United States.
At present, this course has been taught in the US (the University of Michigan, University of Kentucky, University of Wisconsin–Madison,and University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee), China (Tsinghua University), Israel (Technion), Germany (RWTH Aachen University) and Sweden (Chalmers University of Technology).
In the past, he has held visiting appointments at Bordeaux École de Management, Krannert School of Management of Purdue University and the Stephen M. Ross School of Business of The University of Michigan.
In 1952 he started teaching at the Brooklyn College, moving in 1964 to the University of Michigan, where he became professor of political science and senior research scientist in the Institute for Social Research.
Allan F. Smith (1911-1994), professor of law at the University of Michigan
Both the Swedish version and the ACSI were developed by Claes Fornell, now Donald C. Cook Professor of Business Administration at the University of Michigan, and chairman of CFI Group.
Before that he was the Bruce Bromley Professor of Law at Harvard Law School (1971-2007), after being on the faculties of the University of Michigan and the University of Minnesota.
Rosina Bierbaum (born 1953), dean of the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment
Cedric C. Smith (1895–1969), All-American football player for the University of Michigan and the Buffalo All-Americans
In 2007 he left the Sakai Project, becoming Clinical Associate Professor of Information at the University of Michigan.
He played American football and competed in track for the University of Michigan from 1897 to 1899 and later coached football, basketball and track at Michigan State Normal College (now Eastern Michigan University), Benton Harbor High School, Brigham Young University, and Utah State University.
Lee Bollinger, President of Columbia University (2002), President of the University of Michigan, Provost of Dartmouth College, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, named defendant in U.S. Supreme Court affirmative action cases Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger
On 10 November 1998, C.F. Jeff Wu gave his inaugural lecture entitled "Statistics = Data Science?" in honor of his appointment to the H. C. Carver Collegiate Professorship in Statistics at the University of Michigan.
After earning his Ph.D., Dr. Meyer worked with Saul Sternberg at Bell Labs before returning to the faculty of the Psychology Department of the University of Michigan in 1977.
He is currently a professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan's Dearborn campus.
As a grad student at the University of Michigan, Baker participated in, and was arrested at, two sit-ins protesting Rep. Carl Pursell's votes for military aid to the Contras.
The University of Michigan Club of Greater Flint awards an annual Dominic Tomasi Scholarship to a resident of Genesee County, Michigan who played a varsity sport and will attend the University of Michigan as a full-time undergraduate student.
Pleased with the work of the Armenian Research Center and with the generosity of the Mardigians towards the University, which has extended beyond their original contributions, the then Chancellor of the Dearborn campus, William A. Jenkins, recommended to the President of The University of Michigan, at that time Harold Shapiro, that the University name the campus library the Edward and Helen Mardigian Library.
Emmett Norman Leith (March 12, 1927 in Detroit, Michigan – December 23, 2005 in Ann Arbor, Michigan) was a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Michigan and, with Juris Upatnieks of the University of Michigan, the co-inventor of three-dimensional holography.
J. Harold Ellens, James Waddell, Ronald Ruark, Jason von Ehrenkrook, and Aaron Brunell of the University of Michigan served as secretaries of the Conference.
Legacki received both a Bachelor's degree in history (1962) and an M.B.A. degree (1964) from the University of Michigan.
Among his more notable PhD students at the University of Michigan were Robert C. Solomon and Anthony Weston.
While at the University of Michigan he became a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Gérard Pape studied clinical psychology and music simultaneously at the University of Michigan, and is a practicing Lacanian psychoanalyst as well as a composer (Makan 2003, 23–24).
He began his career in the public schools of Michigan and California (Anaheim HS) before beginning his university conducting at California Sate University at Long Beach and the University of Wisconsin, prior to his tenure at the University of Michigan.
Harold Tafler Shapiro (born 1935), economist and former president of Princeton University and of the University of Michigan
Harry Burns Hutchins (1847–1930), president of the University of Michigan, 1909–1920
Henry Moore Bates (1869–1949), American lawyer and dean of the University of Michigan Law School
James Burrill Angell (1829–1916), President of the University of Vermont and the University of Michigan, U.S. Minister to China and Turkey
His archives are housed in the James Toy Collection at the University of Michigan’s Bentley Historical Library.
His only son, Bernard Kirk, was an All-American football player who played for both Notre Dame University and the University of Michigan.
LaVercombe was a former All-City basketball player at Detroit's Cooley High School, and a graduate of the University of Michigan.
Kappa Alpha Pi Pre-Law Professional Fraternity, a pre-law professional fraternity founded in 2007 at the University of Michigan
Upon graduation she was selected by Tony Hoagland as a Helen Zell Postgraduate Fellow in Poetry at the University of Michigan.
In 1975 he joined the faculty of West Virginia University and the next year received his Ph.D. in geography from the University of Michigan, studying under political geographer George Kish.
Kresge Hearing Research Institute, an Otolaryngology school at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Bruce Conforth of the University of Michigan produced these two recordings and has completed a book African American Folksong and American Cultural Politics: The Lawrence Gellert Story
Mary Sue Coleman (born 1943), 13th and current President of the University of Michigan
Michigan Socialist House was founded in 1932 by a group of students in the University of Michigan Socialist Club as an experiment in putting socialist values into practice and a way to defray the costs of living for students during the Great Depression.
Nevertheless, he was sometimes referred to as "Dr. Jessup." He apparently dropped his career and studies in astronomy and worked for the rest of his life in a variety of jobs unrelated to science, although he is sometimes erroneously described as having been an instructor in astronomy and mathematics at the University of Michigan and Drake University.
He became professor of English language and literature in the university of Michigan in 1867, and held that position until 1881, except in 1873-1874 when he was literary editor of the Christian Union; from 1881 until his death at Ithaca, New York, he was professor of American history at Cornell University and chairman of the Department of History.
Ted Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber, was a graduate student of mathematics at the University of Michigan, where Fischer's father was a professor.
The chamber was constructed in the 1960s by Bendix Corporation for testing of the Lunar rover and was later donated to the University of Michigan in 1982.
At the invitation of Harrison M. Randall, Sawyer then joined the faculty of the Physics Department at the University of Michigan, an affiliation that he retained for his entire career.
Robert F. Beck (born 1943), professor of naval architecture and marine engineering at the University of Michigan
In their book, The Failed Promise of the American High School 1890-1995, authors David Angus (education historian and professor in Education Studies at the University of Michigan) and Jeffrey E. Mirel (also a professor in Education Studies at the University of Michigan) report that by the 1950s, education aimed at the lowest common denominator become the norm in America's high schools.
Red Berenson: former professional ice hockey player and coach of the University of Michigan men's ice hockey team
Colloton is also the brother of Ann Colloton, an All-American athlete who swam for the University of Michigan swim team (1987–1990).
University of Michigan Health System, the academic medical center of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
UMES was in use at the University of Michigan until 1967, when MTS was phased in to take advantage of the newer virtual memory time-sharing technology that became available on the IBM System/360 Model 67.
The story of the Wistert brothers at Michigan began when Whitey's Carl Schurz High School classmate John Kowalik was invited to visit the University of Michigan.
Chia-Shun Yih (1918–1997), Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan