Krebs also plays guitar, bass and organ in several reggae bands, and is the webmaster of HERB (Had Enough Religious Bullshit), a site for anti-Theocracy and anti-religious humor with particular emphasis on cartoons.
Dagobert of Pisa was named Patriarch in 1100, and attempted to turn the new state into a theocracy, with a secular state to be created elsewhere, perhaps in Cairo.
It is possible that, to gain adherents, the Herodian party may have been in the habit of representing that the establishment of a Herodian Dynasty would be favourable to the realization of the theocracy; and this in turn may account for pseudo Tertullian's (Adversis Omnes Haereses 1,1)) allegation that the Herodians regarded Herod himself as the Messiah.
After GT Interactives bankruptcy, the name Imperium Galactica was lost by Digital Reality and another Hungarian development studio called Philos Laboratories, responsible for Theocracy borrowed the title.
In Italy, after the fall of the fascist regime, a rigid theocracy was imposed, ruled by Pope Leone XIV.
A revolution overthrows the theocracy and establishes a free society which, nonetheless, does not save the pseudo-immortal Lazarus Long and his Howard Families from fleeing Earth for their lives.
The PRC also points to what it calls the autocratic and theocratic policies of the government of Tibet before 1959, as well as its renunciation of South Tibet, claimed by China as a part of historical Tibet occupied by India, as well as the Dalai Lama's association with India, and as such claims the CTA has no moral legitimacy to govern Tibet.
After the abdication, Vavil turned Montenegro into a theocratic state ruled under the vladika (or prince-bishop) of Cetinje.