
4 unusual facts about theory of relativity

A World Out of Time

Although only hundreds of years have passed on the ship, three million years have elapsed on Earth, due to relativistic time dilation.

Closed system

In nonrelativistic classical mechanics, a closed system is a physical system which doesn't exchange any matter with its surroundings, and isn't subject to any force whose source is external to the system.

Lewis Carroll Epstein

Lewis Carroll Epstein is the author of layman's books on physics that use an idiosyncratic mix of cartoons and single-page brain teasers to pull the reader into advanced concepts in classical mechanics, quantum theory, and relativity.

The Risen Empire

Faster than light travel is impossible, and the result of more mundane interstellar travel between the eighty worlds of the empire results in relativistic effects due to the high speeds involved; as such, the ages of space travelers become out of sync with those of their friends and family, an effect known as the "Time Thief".

Canwood, Saskatchewan

An urban legend says Albert Einstein played goal for the Canwood Canucks one winter while traveling to find peace and silence for his work on the Theory of Relativity.

Carroll Alley

Alley developed some of the earliest important laboratory tests of Albert Einstein's theories of relativity.

Counterpart theory

Sometimes, especially in the theory of relativity as it is expressed by Minkowski, the path traced by an object through spacetime.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness

The award is named for Petr Beckmann, an electrical engineer and libertarian who claimed to have debunked Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.

Einstein Papers Project

Includes a previously unpublished manuscript on relativity and electrodynamics, a notebook documenting his preparation for his first joint paper (1913, with Marcel Grossmann), previously unknown calculations with Michele Besso on the motion of the perihelion of Mercury, etc.


Faster-than-light spaceships that act by nullifying the mass of the ship and avoiding the implication of Einstein's Relativity Theory that states that an object becomes more massive as it approaches the speed of light.

I'm Interested in Apathy

Among the things the main claims to know or be able to do are: drilling for oil in the Bass Strait, being able to prove Einstein's theory wrong, predicting mankind's fate and knowing what really happened in regards to Marilyn Monroe's death.

Prahalad Chunnilal Vaidya

In 1942, P. C. Vaidya wrote to Professor V. V. Narlikar, father of renowned Indian physicist Jayant Narlikar, expressing his desire to study relativity.

The Einstein Theory of Relativity

In August 1922, Scientific American published an article explaining their position that a silent film would be unsuccessful in presenting Albert Einstein's theory of relativity to the general public.

The Racah Institute of Physics

In the year 1923, two years before its official opening, Albert Einstein gave a talk on Mount Scopus, the first campus of the University, on his Theory of Relativity.

Tours of the Black Clock

The narrative concerns itself with two of the most influential figures of the 20th century, as Adolf Hitler appears as an important character, and allusions are made to Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity.

Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr.

Rodrigues is well known for his diverse research interests such as the applications of Clifford algebras, the study of extraordinary solutions of the relativistic wave equations, and the foundations of quantum mechanics and relativity; he has given several lectures on these subjects at international meetings.

see also

Carl Laubman

In Germany they visited scientist Albert Einstein, personally delivering a report of observations from the South Australian Government Astronomer concerning the theory of relativity.

David L. Lee

His thesis work was on alternative theories of gravity to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity; he is co-author of the Lightman-Lee and Lee-Lightman-Ni theories of gravity (see Alternatives to General Relativity).

Einstein Wrong - The Miracle Year

Started in 2005, the 100th year anniversary of Einstein's Miracle Year (2005), De Hilsters's film follows his mother and family as they journey through the world of scientists who are challenging Einstein's theory of relativity and other mainstream theories.

Robert S. Shankland

Though Maurice Allais and James DeMeo do not accept Shankland's refutation and hold to the belief that Miller's experiment invalidates the theory of relativity, Einstein's theory is today regarded by most physicists as proven, based largely on the vastly more accurate repetitions of Miller's measurements made using modern optical technology by numerous independent researchers that have shown conclusively that Miller's reported positive signal was spurious.

The Persistence of Memory

Asked by Ilya Prigogine whether this was in fact the case, Dalí replied that the soft watches were not inspired by the theory of relativity, but by the surrealist perception of a Camembert cheese melting in the sun.

Vladimir Varićak

In 1910, following a 1909 publication of Sommerfeld, he applied hyperbolic geometry to the special theory of relativity.