
3 unusual facts about thorium

Alvin Radkowsky

Thorium fueled reactors allow nations the capability to generate energy while preventing them from using spent fuels to produce nuclear weapons.

Comet Crash

Thorium is a mineral that is released from meteoroids that randomly travel across the playing field.


The public sector Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL) also has its largest facility at Manavaalakurichy, near the town, which pioneers in the mining, processing and production of Thorium.

BD +17° 3248

The University of Mainz and University of Basel groups of Karl-Ludwig Kratz and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann performed a comparison between the observed abundances for the stable element europium (Z=63) and the radioactive elements thorium (Z=90) and uranium (Z=92) to the calculated abundances of an r-process in a Type II supernova explosion.


As a response to the publication Bohuslav Brauner claimed that he already stated the fact that thorium should be a mixture of several elements.

Chuck Versus the Family Volkoff

She takes the thorium and leaves everyone in the vault with armed plasma bombs which Volkoff deactivates with a portable EMP generator.

Karl-Ludwig Kratz

radioactive ones (thorium and uranium) the age of these stars can be determined to about 13 billion years (see Sneden's Star, Cayrel's Star, Kratz's Star, Frebel's Star (HE 1523-0901)).

Lavochkin La-200

The major driver for the three competing aircraft, was the development of the "Toriy" - Thorium centimetre waveband NII-17 RADAR at NIIP - Naoochno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Priborostroyeniya (Research Institute of Instrument Engineering), which was capable of detecting a B-29 Superfortress bomber at a range of 12 miles.


With declining interest in thorium as a potential nuclear fuel in the 1960s and increased concern over the disposal of the radioactive daughter products of thorium, bastnäsite came to displace monazite in the production of lanthanides due to its much lower thorium content.

Sneden's Star

Comparing the observed abundances for a stable element such as Europium (Z=63) and the radioactive element Thorium (Z=90) to calculated abundances of an r-process in a type II supernova explosion (as from the universities at Mainz and Basel groups of Karl-Ludwig Kratz and Friedrich-Karl Thielemann) allowed observers to determine the age of this star to about 13 billion years.

see also