
unusual facts about toughness


Ajume Wingo

Hailing from Nso, a kingdom located in the North West Province of Cameroon, Ajume Wingo received much of his early education from Christian and Muslim missionaries, and from a Bedouin teacher (whose title of Mallam Gargari translates to "invincible teacher") known for his toughness and draconian style of discipline.

Australian Stock Horse

The "station horse" that was an ancestor of both breeds was used by the Australian Army in the First World War and was renowned for its toughness and endurance.

Carya ovata

Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was popularly nicknamed Old Hickory, a play on the toughness of hickory wood.

Darwin's bark spider

Its silk is the toughest biological material ever studied, over ten times tougher than a similarly-sized piece of Kevlar.

Gun politics in Pakistan

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where the Pashtun residents laud performances of strength and toughness, carrying a Kalashnikov or other gun is a sign of honour and respect.

Jakob Weis

From 4 August 1914 Weis was also pastor to a field hospital, then pastor to 12th Bavarian Infantry Division (known as "the Iron Division" for its bravery and toughness).

Matthew Wren

However, his strong support of Archbishop Laud, and his toughness on Puritans, led to his being imprisoned in the Tower of London by the Parliamentarian faction from 1641 to 1659.

Yanagi ba

Hardness and toughness: Consistency in durability and sharpness is created in the same way as a Japanese sword.

see also