
2 unusual facts about tricolour

Flag of Vietnam

The French, who gradually gained control of Vietnam in the late 19th century, flew the Tricolour, the French national flag.


With the formation of French client republics after 1795, the revolutionary tricolour was adopted more widely, by

Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award

The Tricolour Award and induction into the Tricolour Society is the highest tribute that can be paid to a student of Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario for valuable and distinguished service to the University in non-academic and non-athletic activities.

Cross-border flag for Ireland

There had been controversy when an Irish tricolour had been used for him in 1997.

James McSparran: The tricolour is admitted by all nations within the comity of nations to be the national flag of Ireland.

Embassy of Mexico, London

In 2011 a pro-Zapatista demonstration was held at the embassy, with the Mexican tricolour being replaced with the Zapatista flag.

Flag of Egypt

The same horizontal tricolour is used by Iraq, Syria, and Yemen (and formerly Libya), the only difference being the presence (or absence) of distinguishing national emblems in the white band.

Flag of Hungary

During the anti-Soviet uprising in 1956, revolutionaries cut out the Stalinist emblem and used the resulting tricolour with a hole in the middle as the symbol of the revolution.

Val Harris

Before the game Harris declared Pat O'Callaghan put the tricolour flying high here in the 1928 Olympics and it's up to you lads to see it is still flying high this evening.

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