The developing Western Suburbs side which would become such a force at the beginning of the 1960s, was already building around the class of internationals Keith "Yappy" Holman, Harry "Dealer" Wells, Kel "Twigs" O'Shea along with their hard men Neville "Boxhead" Charlton, Mark Patch and fiery 19-year-old Peter Dimond.
Twigs and buds of alder are only fair browse for wildlife, though deer and elk do browse the twigs in fall and twigs and buds in the winter and spring.
The larvae have been found beneath dead leaf sheaths of sugarcane, in fibrous material at the bases of palm fronds, in old Ipomoea capsules and in dead twigs and sticks of Araucaria, Lantana and Ricinus species.
The Seri refer to desert broom as cascol caaco, and make a decoction by cooking the twigs.
The nest of the Black Heron is constructed of twigs placed over water in trees, bushes, and reed beds, forming a solid structure.
Nymphs of the pineapple gall adelgid form galls at the base of twigs which resemble miniature pineapples and those of the Cooley's spruce gall adelgid cause cone-shaped galls at the tips of branches.
It also feeds in the stem of litchi and in the terminal twigs of Tecoma stans.
Dihydrochalcones (3′,5′-dihydroxy-2′,4′,6′-trimethoxydihydrochalcone, methyl linderone, 5-hydroxy-6,7,8-trimethoxyflavone (alnetin) and 2′-hydroxy-3′,4′,5′,6′-tetramethoxydihydrochalcone (dihydrokanakugiol) can be found in twigs of Lindera lucida.
It is an essential part of the Bihu (গৰু বিহু) festival, during which the cattle are washed and gently beaten with twigs of this plant.
In 1901 and 1902, Brooke and Hewett asked Sultan Hashim to cede Belait and Tutong to them but Sultan Hashim refused and said, “What would happen to me, my chiefs and my descendants? I should be left like a tree, stripped of branches and twigs.”
The Stem bark, root bark, twigs, stalks and seeds of the plant are used as hypotensive, non-cholinergic, relaxant smooth musculature, vasopressive, sympathicomimetic for inflammation and irritation of the upper respiratory system and the gastrointestinal tract.
According to the old tradition, on Easter Monday Kashubian (Northern Poland) boys chase girls whipping their legs gently with juniper twigs.
The species was originally discovered floating in petri dishes that contained submerged hardwood twigs previously collected from a marsh next to a playground on the south shore of Lake Union in Seattle, Washington.
It feeds on grasses, sedges and other green vegetation in summer, and twigs of willow, aspen and birches in winter.
This aphid is found only on one host plant, the American beech tree, Fagus grandifolia, where it congregates on branches and twigs, creating copious amounts of honeydew that drip onto vegetation below.
Tea, a traditional beverage made from steeping the processed leaves, buds, or twigs of the tea bush (Camellia sinensis) in water.
In Alaska, the main dietary item of the adults at all times of year is willows such as the Alaska willow Salix alaxensis, with leaves being eaten in summer and buds, twigs and catkins supplying the birds' main nutritional needs in winter and early spring.
Mites forms scale-like galls on twigs retarding growth and reducing the fruit crop.Lesser pests include a small caterpillar, Meridarches scyrodes, that bores into the fruit.