
unusual facts about typesetting

Bert Powers

He became a printer after a 1937 accident and moved to New York City in 1946, where he eventually rose to become vice president of the New York local of the International Typographical Union in 1953.

Arthur Hays Sulzberger

Under Sulzberger the Times began to publish editions in Paris and Los Angeles with remote-control typesetting machines.

Bootable business card

The first version of the LNX-BBC that was independent from Linuxcare was 1.618 (a number suggested by team member Seth Schoen, an approximation of the golden ratio, or phi (φ), and a tribute to Donald Knuth who uses successively more precise approximations of π for versioning his TeX typesetting system).

Cabin Fever Media

Cabin Fever Media specializes in graphic design of album artwork, however, Cabin Fever Media also does various other commissioned work that involves illustration and design such as t-shirt design, logo creation, image editing and retouching, typesetting, photography, web design (HTML and DHTML, Flash), and multimedia presentations.

Collins English Dictionary

The first edition of the dictionary in 1979, with Patrick Hanks as editor and Lawrence Urdang as editorial director, used computer databases and typesetting in the preparation of a dictionary.


In 1963, Compugraphic moved to Reading and commissioned Massachusetts-based Wang Laboratories to develop the Linasec, a computer used to prepare justified punched tape to drive linotype typesetting machines which were widely used in the printing industry, which at that time was based entirely on hot metal type.


To perform font matching, fontconfig stores typesetting information about all of the installed fonts, including the name of the font family, style, weight, DPI, and Unicode coverage.

Gerald Emmett Carter

His father was a typesetter for The Montreal Star, his brother, Alexander, would become Bishop of Sault-Sainte-Marie, and two of his sisters would become nuns.

Greek ligatures

Important models for this early typesetting practice were the designs of Aldus Manutius in Venice, and those of Claude Garamond in Paris, who created the influential Grecs du roi typeface in 1541.

Herman Ridder

He died insolvent, having lost his means with the failure of the International Typesetting Machine Company at the start of World War I. Friends and supporters of Ridder assumed the debts of his publishing enterprise, and the Staats-Zeitung continued under the joint management of his sons, Bernard H. Ridder and Victor F. Ridder.

History of sentence spacing

However, the reason Donald Knuth gave for creating the TeX typesetting system was his dismay on receiving the proofs of a new edition of his book The Art of Computer Programming at the unreadability of the then new close-fitted phototypesetting technology, which he described as "awful" due to its "poor spacing".

Indagationes Mathematicae

The typesetting, including mathematical functions, was chosen by Donald Knuth as one of three examples of typesetting quality when he designed the TeX digital typesetting software from 1978.

John Seybold

John W. Seybold (1916–2004), father of computer typesetting


Linotype machine, a typesetting machine, once commonly used for newspapers


Palatino has been available in all major typesetting systems over the years, including Linotype and "hot metal" versions.


The computer program pdfTeX is an extension of Knuth's typesetting program TeX, and was originally written and developed into a publicly usable product by Hàn Thế Thành as a part of the work for his PhD thesis at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.


Corrections could be made by typesetting a word or line of type and by waxing the back of the galleys, and corrections could be cut out with an X-Acto knife and pasted on top of any mistakes.


As the 19th century was coming to a close, the Register began using six Linotype typesetting machines in 1893, which were used for many decades until the "cold type" age began in 1974.

Rudolf Hell

He kept on working as an engineer and invented machines for electronically controlled engraving of printing plates and an electronic photo typesetting system called digiset marketed in the USA as VideoComp by RCA and later by III.


Casting of sorts (movable type pieces) for use in printing presses

see also