
unusual facts about undang


Bali Post Media Group

The collapse of the New Order, entering Reformation Era followed by the emergence of Undang-Undang Pokok Pers No. 40 Tahun 1999, a law that allows and enables people to establish their own publishing company.


KPUM (Malay: Kesatuan Penuntut Undang-Undang Malaysia di UK dan Eire) (English: Malaysian Law Students Union in the United Kingdom and Eire) is the official Malaysian Law Students Union in the United Kingdom and Ireland ("Eire").

Mohammad Jan bin Abdul Ghani

Y.A.M. Dato' Haji Mohammad Jan bin Abdul Ghani (born 10 August 1940 at Kampung Rokan, Johol), Dato' Johan Pahlawan Lela Perkasa Setiawan, is the 14th and current Undang of Luak Johol, one of the traditional states of Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia.

Mubarak Dohak

Y.T.M. Dato' Haji Mubarak bin Dohak, formally known as Dato' Shah Bandar, DTNS (born 11 November 1961 at Pantai, Seremban), is the 16th and current Dato' Klana Petra Sri Jaya (or Undang) of Luak Sungai Ujong, one of the traditional states of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

Musa bin Wahab

Y.T.M. Dato' Mendika Menteri Akhir ul-Zaman Dato' Haji Musa bin Wahab, DTNS, PJK (born 4 September 1937 in Kuala Klawang, Jelebu) is the 15th and current Undang of Luak Jelebu, one of the traditional states of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

R. H. Bruce Lockhart

The Dato’ Klana in question was the chief of Sungei Ujong, the most important of the Nine States of Negeri Sembilan, whose palace was at Ampangan.

Table of precedence of Negeri Sembilan

## HH Datuk Undang Luak of Johol (Mohammad Jan Abdul Ghani)

see also