
unusual facts about underage drinking

Blame It on the Alcohol

Concerned about recent underage drinking incidents at McKinley High, Principal Figgins (Iqbal Theba) schedules a cautionary assembly and commissions the glee club to perform a song about the dangers of alcohol.


The show features a behind the scenes look at the detention center and court process as it follows kids charged with committing relatively minor offenses such as underage drinking, minor theft, marijuana use, running away, etc.

Lancashire Evening Post

In late May 2010, Lancashire Evening Post ran an article about video games which drew some controversy for its comparison between video game addiction, underage drinking and drug use.

see also

Blame It on the Alcohol

Principal Figgins (Iqbal Theba) plans an assembly to warn the students about the dangers on underage drinking, and asks glee club director Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) to have his students perform a song that send positive messages about avoiding alcohol.

Lorne Michaels

She also appeared in a sketch about underage drinking when Zac Efron hosted the show.