
unusual facts about unequal treaties

Clarence Stewart Williams

In 1926, the Kuomintang allied with the Chinese Communist Party to launch the Northern Expedition with the objective of unifying the country by suppressing local warlords and abrogating the unequal treaties imposed on China by the Western powers.


As foreign missionaries and businessmen gained the right to hold property in China from the "unequal treaties", the local headmen could be caught between them and their superiors in the Chinese hierarchy, for instance during the construction of the Woosung Road.

Iwakura Tomomi

Soon after his appointment as Minister of the Right in 1871, he led the two-year around-the-world journey known as the Iwakura mission, visiting the United States and several countries in Europe with the purpose of renegotiating the unequal treaties and gathering information to help effect the modernization of Japan.

see also

Guantánamo Bay

Some legal scholars, such as Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, have countered that the 1903 and 1934 lease agreements were imposed on Cuba under duress and are unequal treaties, no longer compatible with modern international law, and voidable ex nunc pursuant to articles 60, 62, and 64 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.