In 1926, the Kuomintang allied with the Chinese Communist Party to launch the Northern Expedition with the objective of unifying the country by suppressing local warlords and abrogating the unequal treaties imposed on China by the Western powers.
-- Not the leader of Respect at this tine. --> George Galloway and the then Liberal Democrat leader Menzies Campbell to refer to the 2003 UK–US extradition treaty.
Germany was forced to terminate its rights, the Soviet Union ostentatiously surrendered them, and the United States organized the Washington Conference to negotiate them.
Treaty of Versailles | Treaty of Trianon | Treaty of Utrecht | Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle | Treaty of Berlin (1878) | Treaty of Rome | Treaty of Lisbon | Treaty of Campo Formio | Treaty of Berlin | Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) | Maastricht Treaty | Treaty of the Pyrenees | Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919) | Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo | Penn Treaty Park | Lateran Treaty | Washington Naval Treaty | Treaty of San Stefano | Treaty of Roskilde | Treaty of Nice | Treaty of Frankfurt | Treaty of Brest-Litovsk | Treaty of Bassein | Treaty of Basel | Patent Cooperation Treaty | Treaty of Waitangi | Treaty of Schönbrunn | Treaty of Ryswick | Treaty of Punakha | Treaty of Madrid |