
13 unusual facts about university of phoenix

Alan G. Rogers

Rogers later completed a Master of Arts degree in organizational management from the University of Phoenix through distance learning.

Alex Pettit

Pettit is a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society and teaches information system classes at the University of Phoenix.


The first major client to offer the service was the University of Phoenix online campus, then in its fledgling years.

Elfreda Higgins

Higgins earned her bachelor's degree in business management from the University of Phoenix.

Glen Sefcik

Sefcik retired from coaching after a two year coaching position at Texas A&M Kingsville to accept a position at the University of Phoenix.

John D. Vanderhoof

In 2010, Richard Kevin Griffis, a graduate student at the University of Phoenix was assigned the task of tracking down the Apollo 17 Goodwill Moon Rock by his Professor Joseph Gutheinz.

Kris Wang

Wang received her undergraduate degree in statistics and master's degree in business management from University of Phoenix, and her graduate studies in computer science at San Jose State University.

Marsha Petrie Sue

Marsha Petrie Sue holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Home Economics from the California State University at Long Beach, as well as a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Phoenix from which she graduated magna cum laude.

Melbourne University Private

It also allowed the public university to operate a management model and mission more akin to private market-driven universities in the USA (like the University of Phoenix).

Omar Easy

He also holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2010.

Patrick Madrid

He earned a bachelor of science degree in business management from the University of Phoenix, as well as a bachelor of philosophy degree (B.Phil.) and a master's degree (M.A.) in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, Ohio.

Polipoint Press

PoliPointPress (or P3Books) was a San Francisco Bay Area publishing company, originally founded to print the writings of University of Phoenix founder John Sperling.

Twin Cinema

"The Bleeding Heart Show" is featured in television advertisements for the University of Phoenix and eMusic.


Companies and organizations such as Barclaycard, GoDaddy, American Greetings, Groupon, Hertz, Ogilvy, Sephora, Tesco, University of Phoenix, Tupperware, Waitrose, and JackThreads use Conversocial's Software as a Service to manage the flow of customer service enquiries and discussions on Facebook and Twitter.