The Urethra Chronicles II: Harder Faster Faster Harder | External sphincter muscle of male urethra | External sphincter muscle of female urethra |
An injury to the urethra leaving Buck's fascia intact results in a collection of urine (extravasation) limited to the penis, deep to Buck's fascia.
Ernst Gräfenberg was famous for his studies of female genitalia and human female sexual physiology; he published, among other studies, the seminal The Role of Urethra in Female Orgasm (1950), which describes female ejaculation, as well as an erogenous zone where the urethra is closest to the vaginal wall.
Candiru, a family of catfish, which can allegedly enter the urethra
The Chuck Palahniuk story "Guts", from the novel Haunted, includes the story of a boy in his early teens inserting candle wax into his urethra.